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Messages - CDR-G

Pages: 1 ... 24 25 [26]
DWVA / Re: X-Cam 2014?
« on: March 19, 2014, 01:02:52 pm »
Looking to challenge the Italians or the Ottomans this weekend.
Longnine, VADM LokeRose either of you up for a game? Location is up to you.

Roll Call / Re: Coming to the Area
« on: March 19, 2014, 12:53:15 pm »
Would you be interested in a DW game there?
Also possibly a C&C nap or ancients? It would have to your sets as mine are in storage.
Mike G

DWVA / Re: X-Cam 2014?
« on: March 05, 2014, 01:56:05 pm »
I will likely start over in April when my other fleets arrive.
Maybe just some non-campaign games. I have some newish FSA and RC I need to learn how to use.
I haven't played my Italians in over 6 months.
Really just glad to at all.

DWVA / Re: X-Cam 2014?
« on: March 05, 2014, 01:47:18 pm »
12 is great.
Recon missions are fine.
I have been thinking about what take for the different missions.
300 to 400 points makes for some interesting choices.

Dystopian Wars / X-Cam game at the Game Vault
« on: March 02, 2014, 01:32:50 am »
Played a nice scenario for X-Cam on Friday. 800 points. The FSA attacker had to run a guantlet of French to get a large class ship off the board. The FSA had their BB take a kinetic generator and was escorted by three Freedom IIs. They also had  a squadron of Princetons, a squadron of Lexingtons with shields and squadron of Guilfords. The RoF had a La Rochelle with an attached Toulon mark II, three Voltaires, four Chavaliers, four Alma's and three Epaulard bombard subs. Both had local air at an X-Cam calculated two tokens for each squadron. Eight for the FSA and ten for the French, plus the four from the Voltaire. The FSA had to get their Independence BB from a central circle past intercepingt French squadrons coming on the board beside its path, rolling each time to determine which side to enter. With FSA firepower I expected my French to get pounded piecemeal. But I got some lucky shots in early and hurt a gunship with my obscured Voltaires-huh! I used a two squadron activation advantage to keep his juiciest targets either out of effective range or moving after him. The rest of turn one went well from the French POV. I got through without a scratch. Turn two was more mixed. My La Rochelle and Toulon mark II did nothing. The FSA had good shots but did not do much. My torpedoe bombers from the La Rochelle missed entirely. But the I further damaged the Gunship and put a point on the BB. Turn three I was able to land some big hits, sinking a Princeton, hurting the Indepedence badly, killed two Guilfords and finally damaging his Lexs. He missed a lot. His BB did very little. I had some big whiffs as well but my heat lances finally got in range. I rolled high and for the first time ever got to attack a big boy with 3xDR for 28 dice with the rear Lancette combining. I used Tally Ho! to go again with torpedoe bombers-all ten got through. After those attacks he had 1 point left on the BB. That ended the game essentially. Turn four involved one move by the RoF attacking with the Voltaires, sinking the Independence.
Some bad luck on his part, particularly with the Kinetc generator on his BB made his task too tough.
A good scenario, well played on both sides.
A clear French victory. My opponent took notes and snaps. I look forward to better account than my bad memory provides.
 The results could easily have gone very differently.

Find a Game! / Re: DW at the Game Vault
« on: February 27, 2014, 01:00:39 pm »
What are the X-cam rules?

Find a Game! / Re: DW at the Game Vault
« on: February 25, 2014, 10:36:17 pm »
I can likely make it by 4 PM. Possibly by 3:30.
If you are in a game I will watching till we can start another.
All I have at this point are some Frenchies.
How many points are you thinking?
Mike G (CDR-G)

Find a Game! / Re: DW at the Game Vault
« on: February 24, 2014, 08:20:03 pm »
I can make Friday night with my French.
When can you start?

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