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Topics - CDR-G

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DWVA / DW Game day at FlashBack Comics-13th or the 20th
« on: September 08, 2014, 05:26:02 am »
Don_mondo, from the Spartan and Iron Fist forums and I will be setting up a DW game(s) at Flashback Comics in Woodbridge on the 13th or the 20th. Version 2.0 rules. He is polling gamers on Iron Fist. Several games can be accommodated.
If any are interested, let either he or I know.

DWVA / Trading Figs in DW. filling out that Squadron in DW 2.0
« on: July 21, 2014, 07:51:39 am »
So, I have extra models from buying box sets and the old blisters. The new Squadron sizes and the rehabilitation of Some models means I need one of this, two of that. Is anyone interested in doing some trades?
I have extras of some decent models in the RoF and FSA.
3 SAS trays!
2 x Chevalier
1 x Cherbourg
1 x Voltaire
1 x Frelon
10 SAWs
Lots of FSA FFs and Corvettes
Lots of Lyons
2-3 x Freedom Mk II
2 x Princetons
3 x A-17s
1 x Valley

and - if the deal is a good one: 4 Requins (primed light grey), an unpainted Couronne, 3 unpainted Georgetowns and 1 x unpainted Liberty

Other deals are negotiable.
 What I want
1 x Requin (unless I trade some of the above)
2 x Epaulard
2 x Furieux
1 x Magenta Mk I

DWVA / Historicon? Can we do a DW tourney there?
« on: June 15, 2014, 11:59:50 pm »
I have not tracked Historicon well, I think events are still open. If so, anyone interested?

« on: June 04, 2014, 07:39:53 am »
I am going to GENCON this year, 14-17 August, Indianapolis.
I set up two intro to DW version 2.0 events there. Not demos but actual games. Players will have some familiarity with the rules.
There are two other events already scheduled. Those were filled the first day of registration.
I would be mildly surprised if anyone here was going to GENCON, but if you are let me know.

I am also going to set some other games (Advance Squad Leader, C&C Napoleonics). But that is for other forums.

DWVA / DW 2.0 games
« on: June 04, 2014, 07:31:13 am »
So 2.0 is out, my rules and Shadow hunter arrive today. Anyone interested in playing a game under the new rules?

In general, what days are good for people? I know it varies.

Should I continue the Sunday Game vault reservation?

Do people want to continue the X-Cam Campaign under 1.1? Many of the contestants have fleets that won't be 2.0 for a while.

Dystopian Wars / DW version 2.0 Game Day?
« on: May 04, 2014, 10:14:36 am »
Is there any interest in setting up a version two Game day in the area? This would be a one or two day event at a LGS. I would think simply two days of demo games and pick up games to try the new rules, and show off some new models. Possibly the second half of June, so on June 21-22 or 28-29. Enough time to actually have read the rules and tried one game, plus paint some new figs.

This topic will be the place to find downloads and specifics about the Operation Galvanic campaign.
The campaign is geared to be a flexible way of playing a variety of scenarios in a loose structure that will allow players to compete over time toward a campaign goals measured in VPs earned.
Players in the campaign can choose to play the scenarios in order, play pick up games, selected scenarios or any combination.
However The scenarios will generate rewards in the form of additional capabilities or ships to use in further scenarios.
The scenario range from simple to complex.
There are still things to resolve for the campaign.
Some of the scenarios could use more play testing.
Starting a campaign will be very close to the release of version 2 of the DW rules. Waiting seems likel a reasonable idea.\The scenarios may need some updating to adjust to new stats, MARs and rules.
So I will try to post the Campaign overview and rules here

Dystopian Wars / Dystopian Wars Rules questions and answers
« on: April 03, 2014, 11:29:38 pm »
DW certainly has it share of rule questions. This forum can serve to highlight them and "crowd source" answers. Ok "Crowd" is bit of an overstatement. People play in different forums bring different interpretations.

So lets' kick this off
Do flyers (at flying or obscured levels) get to ack ack tiny flyers (TFTs) before the TFTs can attack?
I thought they it was simultaneous. So I looked up what I could.  On page 46, Squadron Activation Sequence Section 3c--"Resolve ALL tiny Flyer Combat" In the second yellow box it states Simultaneously resolve ALL attack or Counter ack ack between Tiny Flyers and Flying or Obscured models.

In section 3b it says: Resolve all counterattack ack ack against flying or obscured model or tokens, that is NOT Tiny Flyers.
Huh Tokens that are Not tiny flyers? What are these? Even the new models with the Tiny Targets MAR do not get treated as tokens. But "..NOT Tiny Flyers ..." is pretty clear.

 I know there were at least two rules I had way wrong. Shooting at prized vessel that were of your fleet was one- Can't do it.

Dystopian Wars / X-Cam game at the Game Vault
« on: March 02, 2014, 01:32:50 am »
Played a nice scenario for X-Cam on Friday. 800 points. The FSA attacker had to run a guantlet of French to get a large class ship off the board. The FSA had their BB take a kinetic generator and was escorted by three Freedom IIs. They also had  a squadron of Princetons, a squadron of Lexingtons with shields and squadron of Guilfords. The RoF had a La Rochelle with an attached Toulon mark II, three Voltaires, four Chavaliers, four Alma's and three Epaulard bombard subs. Both had local air at an X-Cam calculated two tokens for each squadron. Eight for the FSA and ten for the French, plus the four from the Voltaire. The FSA had to get their Independence BB from a central circle past intercepingt French squadrons coming on the board beside its path, rolling each time to determine which side to enter. With FSA firepower I expected my French to get pounded piecemeal. But I got some lucky shots in early and hurt a gunship with my obscured Voltaires-huh! I used a two squadron activation advantage to keep his juiciest targets either out of effective range or moving after him. The rest of turn one went well from the French POV. I got through without a scratch. Turn two was more mixed. My La Rochelle and Toulon mark II did nothing. The FSA had good shots but did not do much. My torpedoe bombers from the La Rochelle missed entirely. But the I further damaged the Gunship and put a point on the BB. Turn three I was able to land some big hits, sinking a Princeton, hurting the Indepedence badly, killed two Guilfords and finally damaging his Lexs. He missed a lot. His BB did very little. I had some big whiffs as well but my heat lances finally got in range. I rolled high and for the first time ever got to attack a big boy with 3xDR for 28 dice with the rear Lancette combining. I used Tally Ho! to go again with torpedoe bombers-all ten got through. After those attacks he had 1 point left on the BB. That ended the game essentially. Turn four involved one move by the RoF attacking with the Voltaires, sinking the Independence.
Some bad luck on his part, particularly with the Kinetc generator on his BB made his task too tough.
A good scenario, well played on both sides.
A clear French victory. My opponent took notes and snaps. I look forward to better account than my bad memory provides.
 The results could easily have gone very differently.

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