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Topics - DonWade

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The Shipyard / Working on some Tarakians
« on: April 20, 2016, 02:20:15 am »
So after getting schooled by Directorate over and over again while flying my Terrans and Hawker (seriously has to be the worst matchup in the game) I brought out a pair of Tarakian patrol fleets I had in my closet and thought I'd give them a go, and try a new painting method that I hadn't tried out.

Starting in with a black primer followed by a heavy white overbrush.

Went over everything with Vallejo game ink...

Happy with the results everybody it's getting a coating of orange...

Next I'm trying to knock back the bright orange with some browns.  Trying to figure out if I liked Sepia or Brown more...

I decided on brown.  Really they where almost the same color with a little less shine on Vallejo Brown.  Comparison image of the orange ships before and after brown in was applied...

Now I add Copper and wash it with GW's Sepia wash to ribbing areas...

And because I skipped a couple of days in pictures while I detailed I ended up with this...

Added a neon locus effect to the grav guns and added a bit more white to the bridge on the right BB...

Now I just need to add some OSL to the grav guns, locus looks cartoony atm, and throw some engine glow on the backside and I should be gtg.

...And Hawk widgets, so many widgets to add

The Shipyard / Aquan idea
« on: February 25, 2016, 05:30:08 am »
A buddy of mine that went half in on the Overseers box is getting out of FSA ( :( ) so I took his Aquans off his hands.  I was flipping through the Kurak fleet guide and am using the following image for inspiration.

A little time with the airbrush and this is what I came up with.  It's only a first attempt and I don't like the transition from Brown to white to purple. It'll take a little more doing.  I also think I need to work from a darker brown to lighter.

I have some HS Stencils from Anarchy Models and plan on using the Mottled stencil (it's a bendy plastic instead of a stick on type) once everything is good and dried up.

The first attempt did not go well.  After matte vanishing the model and waiting 12 hours laying the stencil against the model simply stripped the paint off.  Into the Simple Green she goes!  I'll have to try gloss then matte coating and wait a full 24 before trying to apply the stencil.

FACO / Tacticon FSA or FSP?
« on: July 12, 2015, 10:10:26 pm »
Are there any plans for Firestorm at Tacticon?  I'm flipping through the con events and I'm not seeing anything.  I had a great time at Genghis Con in Feb and would enjoy doing it again in August.

The Shipyard / Working on some Terrans
« on: June 05, 2015, 12:03:22 am »
I've had my Valhalla boxed set for a while and never did anything but base coat and wash them.  I've been getting kind of tired of my Hawker (they're good, there's just only so many fleet variants you can build with an alliance or league primary fleet) so I thought I'd get to work on these guys.


I'm pretty happy, so far.  I'm not going to call them done till I get an air brush and glow out the engines.  Not sure what color to use, though add I've already used a blue and orange.

I gave up on all those expensive magnets.  They're great for x-wing but unwieldy for heavy resin.  I bought a bunch of Hawk Games flight stand widgets and I think they're a much simpler, effective and importantly less expensive solution to spiny spaceships.

FACO / Epic battle, marathon day of Armada
« on: March 15, 2015, 03:28:17 am »
I got together with two of my friends today to play a serious battle today.  1200 pts per fleet and our fourth couldn't make it so I wrangled up a battle fleet of Terrans to join my Hawker fleet. Chris brought his Dinedrenzi and Jim brought his RSN.  I knew this was going to be a tough one but I had no idea just how badly the my guys were going to fare.

Here we are a few moves into turn one in Capture The Station.

We used an Eldar BFG model for the ghost station.

Already things looked bad.  I won the roll to pick attacker/defender and neither of us are particularly good at assault.  Should have defended the station.

I didn't spend a lot of time taking pictures but after a spate of seriously sub par attack and shield rolls I was hoarding hazard markers like they'd be the only currency after the government falls. This also lead to serious AD deficiencies from my Titan and bothe squads of Regent CGs.  It wasn't helping that my Makalus didn't break DR on their targets once until turn four. Towards the midpoint of turn three this is what the middle  of the board looked like...and everybody but the Hawker BB dissapeared shortly thereafter.  All of those tokens belong to me except the ones in the Dindrenzi Naussica.  Hell, my Dread had just cleared from 5 down to 1 hazard marker.  Damn high energy weapons.

Sadly, mine was the lower battle log.  We called the game at the end of turn 4 and all I had left was 1 Excelsior BB, 2 Artemis DDGs, and a single Makalu CG.

It was a hell off a rough game for everyone staminawise and particularly for my pride.  I think we've decided 4(3) player games will be limited to patrol fleets going forward.  All in all everybody had a great time but by the end we were just plum tuckered out.

The Shipyard / Wade's Hawkers from Genghis Con - WIP
« on: February 17, 2015, 11:55:14 pm »
Dale asked me to post some pictures of the Hawker ships I brought to Genghis Con.  They are still a wip with loads of hardlining, fine detailing, and decals to do as well as engine glow when I feel up to it (or I cheat and finally get an airbrush).

Once my katana freehand brush from Games & Gears shows up I may pull the solar/shield panels off and redo them due to shaky hand while reclaiming the individual cells. I didn't bother painting the interior areas much because they were impossible to get at once glued on and you can't see em on the table anyway.




As anyone who played me at the con will know I need to redo some of my magnetizing on flight pegs meant for heavier models.  My Endevours were all sorts of tippy and the Resolutes weren't much better.  Smaller steel balls and magnets work just fine for an Armsman or Teuton, though.

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