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Messages - Klingsor

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General Discussion / Re: What are you reading?
« on: February 23, 2017, 07:37:19 am »
I have really enjoyed the Lost Fleet series and the spin off but I did not like his Stark trilogy, which is not a problem as while they are SF they are ground not space based so can be ignored here.

A few more suggestions:
The Battlecruiser Alamo series by Richard Tongue.

Chris Nutall has a couple of series of interest. |You know about the first one (Ark Royal) but the second is more traditional naval SF, more honarian perhaps?

Are you familiar with the Warship annuals? These are published yearly and are mostly made up of articles with a summary of the years naval news and reviews of important new naval books.

John Roberts excellent Rebuilding the Royal Navy is now incredibly cheap at 99p for the Kindle version in Britain, I don’t know what it is on the other side of the pond but even at full price it is a very good book as were the earlier volumes in the series.

Roll Call / Hello from Northern Ireland
« on: February 22, 2017, 08:21:29 am »
I am British and live in Northern Ireland.

I am not actively a naval wargamer at the moment as our group is more into D & D and skirmish wargames. Previously I have played Full Thrust, still one of the best starship games out there, and Star Fleet Battles which isn’t. The last naval game I played was the Mongoose Publishing version of SFB which was interesting but not really for me and the first probably Mayday, the original version, which I picked up second hand in the late 1980s.

I am slowly assembling a Russian fleet for Dystopian Wars. Hoping that this does not join all the other half baked and aborted projects the litter my workshop, the oldest probably being some 1:3000 ships for Harpoon though there are still black globe (bogie) markers for Star Cruiser somewhere, both games played precisely once each though I played the original Harpoon computer game a lot. Other projects that are not dead but only sleeping include the Russo Japanese War, now in two different scales, The ACW brown water war, WW II coastal and still Full Thrust. I think the Mediterranean theatre in WW II would be a great setting for a game.

I backed the Kickstarter for Drop Zone Commander and have done nothing with it, the box arrived at a busy time and was stowed away for later attention. Pretty much what happened with the two Halo games as well and Battlefleet Gothic as well though it at least did get some miniatures painted for it. Are you spotting a pattern yet?

I am a keen reader of pretty much anything though science fiction and history are particular favourites.

We are starting to get worked up to visiting Salute again, the big British wargaming show in London each April. This is largely a shopping trip for us, my brother is dragged along partly as a pack mule though the company is nice and very convenient and he does love his miniatures, which is just as well as he does all the painting for me.

I blundered onto the Man Battlestations podcast which I enjoy and that is what brought me here.

News and Rumors / Halo Ground Combat - Pelican Model Kit
« on: February 06, 2017, 08:58:19 am »
A bit off topic but I think it is worth a mention.
Revell are bringing out a Pelican kit in 1/100th scale which is very close to 15mm. Good news if you want a Pelican, bad news for Spartan Games who were doing them in resin.

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