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Messages - RuleBritannia

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Dystopian Wars / Re: DW 3.0 Pre-Launch Discussion MEGA THREAD
« on: December 18, 2020, 11:54:04 am »
Its all perfectly cromulent fluff, but the constant refrain of dark forces and mystical nonsense is not my idea of Victorian Sci-fi, and just a bit grimdark

I think this is to make it fit into the background for Wild West Exodus

The problem is that what works for the skirmish game WWX, where a gang of ten people fighting for resources is a skirmish, doesn't naturally fit a game with battlefleets of twenty or so warships, where the loss of that fleet is a major event, and would be the commencement of sustained armed conflict. 

Dystopian Wars / Re: DW 3.0 Pre-Launch Discussion MEGA THREAD
« on: December 18, 2020, 11:27:51 am »
Some of that fluff is a bit yikes.  The Ottoman empire rooting out minorities via religious fanatics is not.... great.  The Arabian nights themes used are also just a bit odd, and don't really fit the steampunk vibes, while the decadent dissolute sultan and the evil vizier scheming with organised crime is also just a bit cliche.  The obsession with purity of blood and East Asian can only be ruled by despots is also... not great, while the mystical dream BS also offends my steampunk sensibility.  Its all perfectly cromulent fluff, but the constant refrain of dark forces and mystical nonsense is not my idea of Victorian Sci-fi, and just a bit grimdark.

The other bit that doesn't make much sense is the idea that there is no war.  The Japanese blow up Singapore and everybody just leaves vowing revenge?  The first time the US and the Pan-Asian faction make contact is when the combined might of East Asia invades the Caribbean?  Also the idea that you are sending a battleship on a stealth mission for a shadowy patron rather than the government doesn't make vast amounts of sense.  How do governments keep covering up all these naval armadas going missing?  I think the game should be push for total absurdity based on this, with your mission being to bring back the last Dodo for Queen Victoria's birthday etc.

Dystopian Wars / Re: DW 3.0 Pre-Launch Discussion MEGA THREAD
« on: December 15, 2020, 03:08:31 pm »
So the starter set has been revealed.  I would like a closer look at the Covenant plastics, because I find the weird hood sections at the back off putting, and I'd like to know the weapons systems.

Dystopian Wars / Re: DW 3.0 Pre-Launch Discussion MEGA THREAD
« on: December 14, 2020, 06:48:15 am »
So we have the reveal on the turrets so far.  The heavy gun turrets that look like railguns, the rocket launcher that looks like a mortar, and 'tri-railgun'.  The turrets seem the weakest links so far in these models. 

Dystopian Wars / Re: DW 3.0 Pre-Launch Discussion MEGA THREAD
« on: December 10, 2020, 05:11:09 pm »
Depends on the cost of the sprue I suppose. 

Dystopian Wars / Re: DW 3.0 Pre-Launch Discussion MEGA THREAD
« on: December 10, 2020, 09:00:13 am »
So influencers' sprues arrived today.

Dystopian Wars / Re: DW 3.0 Pre-Launch Discussion MEGA THREAD
« on: December 07, 2020, 07:11:21 am »
So some interesting rumours of 'influencers' being invited to receive new sprues and a new teaser on facebook.  Release has obviously not happened before Christmas, so we remain in the dark about that, but if the sprues are being sent out that suggests things can't be too far off. 

The artwork is perfectly cromulent, I like what the artist has done, apart from making the smoke plumes a bit fiery.  The KoB designs sit a bit uncanny valley for me, with the basic chassis of the model looking like Spartan, the ornamentation like Pugin high on opium, the flak rockets like something from supreme commander and the jet powered spitfires like a diselpunk delight, but none of it really gelling for me.  Which is a pity.

News and Rumors / Re: The Drowned and the Damned- Dead Earth Games
« on: November 13, 2020, 09:18:38 am »
The big question of the designs I've seen is whether they would look better waterlined. 

Dystopian Wars / Re: DW 3.0 Pre-Launch Discussion MEGA THREAD
« on: November 03, 2020, 06:31:46 am »
Agreed with both of you.  The plastic reveal for the Russian Coalition said expect the plastics for the covenant to be done before the end of the year, Stuart's belief the boxed set was ready seems wildly optimistic.  I don't think the official Dystopian Wars (new) facebook page has posted in half a year. 

Dystopian Wars / Re: DW 3.0 Pre-Launch Discussion MEGA THREAD
« on: November 02, 2020, 05:28:11 am »
We just had WC reveal the dates for November releases so unless the boxed set is revealed shortly for a beginning of December release I think its going to 2021.

Dystopian Wars / Re: DW 3.0 Pre-Launch Discussion MEGA THREAD
« on: November 01, 2020, 03:59:11 am »
From discussions I've had with Stuart, the "mix of plastic and resin" is a reference to the fact that the battleships will be resin, while the cruisers and frigates are plastic. He also stated that the resin battleship hulls are also being designed to accept the plastic turrets and generators from the cruiser/frigate sprue, similar to how some of the old BFG battleships did it, where the otherwise metal models accepted the various weapons bits from the plastic cruiser sprues.

That is interesting, especially as the box only refers to one class each for the frigates and cruisers, and the differing numbers of both in the box outline.

It is a bold social media strategy, with most unofficial social platforms taken over, shut down, closed, locked and a pressure towards official forums which are highly moderated and often very lifeless.  Maybe hype is building with the promise of new releases? 

Dystopian Wars / Re: DW 3.0 Pre-Launch Discussion MEGA THREAD
« on: October 30, 2020, 08:02:15 am »
The little disclaimer notes that models aren't finalised yet, and a mix of plastic and resin.  Is it possible the boats are resin, hence why they are shown as one class of vessel rather than modular?  Also recently caught up with a promotional video promoting this very boxed set 11 months ago.  Warcradle are really competing with the top procrastinators these days.

Dystopian Wars / Re: DW 3.0 Pre-Launch Discussion MEGA THREAD
« on: October 11, 2020, 03:53:37 am »
It always amazes me that for a company focused a lot more on promotional material how bad Warcradle are at PR.  If you had The starter set ready within a month or two why would you go with blurry shots of models?

General Discussion / Re: Status of Forums
« on: October 09, 2020, 09:23:41 am »
Good job!  It was rather excessive.

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