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Topics - Dakkar

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Dystopian Wars / To Robot or not to Robot?
« on: February 15, 2018, 12:22:55 pm »
With the info that the DW ground combat will be a different game, do folks feel like there's any place for walking robots in the Naval game? (Rules and niftiness aside)

I love my Metzgers, but I always feel weird fielding the waterline shoulders-up base. Like anything that big or bigger on the water should just be a boat or airship, and walkers should only be in shallow water/land conflicts.

I mean, if I'm up to my shoulders in the ocean, and there's a riptide, I'm not stable enough to fire a gun. A robot should be little different - it masses more, but then so does the water and force of current pushing on it.

General Discussion / 25 Years of Deep Space Nine
« on: January 03, 2018, 06:39:14 pm »
A fantastic little article here on DS9, with great pics of the cast today

I particularly like when Rene Auberjonois compares the show to a Russian novel... :-)

And in case anyone's in doubt, DS9 is indeed the best Trek show to date. I'll fight you on that. :-)

The Swap Shop / Post-Spartan Liquidation
« on: August 26, 2017, 11:12:37 pm »
I may play more games as things sell, but everything is on the table now for sale/trade.

-- Prussian Grand Fleet, Air, and Land - Primed
-- Blazing Sun MEGA force of all sorts - many painted, or unassmbled

Firestorm Planetfall:
-- Just about all Relthoza, except the big tower thing - 1000pts painted, rest primed
-- RSN Allies - primed

Firestorm Armada:
-- Aquan Patrol Fleet, classic - Painted
-- Directorate BB and Crusiers- in bag, new
-- Relthoza Mega Grand Fleet x2 (classic models) - tourney fleet painted, rest primed or NIB
-- Ba'Kash Battle Fleet - primed
-- Syndicate Battle-Grand Fleet - primed

All is deep discounted, so make an offer. 

I'll take cash or store credit. Trade interests are probably limited to 40K, FFG Star Wars products, Guildball, and possibly Infinity Starters for Haqqislam.
Also Warmachine Mercs, ala Pirates, Steelheads, and anything useful to the new Llaelese Resistance.

News and Rumors / SPARTAN CLOSING
« on: August 25, 2017, 11:19:20 am »
Today we have published a statement about the sad closure of our company.

Click here to see the statement

As we say in the statement, we regret any losses incurred by anyone associated with our company.

Throughout the years that we have traded, we have prided ourselves on the highest level of product quality and customer satisfaction.  This has been delivered consistently and is evidenced though annual customer research.  We are keen to hear from anyone who has an interest in acquiring either stock, assets or the business.

Please use the following contact address:

I can't read the actual statement from work, but it sounds pretty final.

I'm sad for the ENORMOUS Blazing Sun force I'd traded for back in April, and the Syndicate Art-Deco fleet I'd *just finally* started on after waiting years of going "I want a fleet of THOSE GUYS".
Hopefully there's enough die hard locals that the lot can sell for a small amount come the next Auction in January.

In a weird way, it's a relief - no more waiting on all the promising aspects of Spartan to finally get their crap together.

Maybe it was the HALo overextension. Maybe they heard a new Battlefleet Gothic was coming to crush what little market remained to them.

DeepWars / Antimatter Games at GenCon
« on: August 22, 2017, 04:59:32 pm »
So I passed their booth twice at GenCon, but ended up not buying anything.

1st time by, the guy was sitting in the corner looking glum and the booth was empty to the point that you felt weird even going in. And I was kinda rushed, so I moved on.
Second time, the guy was in the middle of a demo, and no extra staff, so I had a look round. Still some cool minis, but the few the piqued my interest had no prices marked. And I wasn't sure which rulebook was the one to get - the Blood Reef book, a new edition looking one, or an older looking one, all in stacks near each other. I.e. - very little that said "Here's your ease of entry pathway" and of course nothing even resembling a starter box or even Faction Starter Bundle deals.
When almost everyone else there for their own game has a starter box, or discounts, or bundle deals, not having such is a huge error.

Only the Wild West Exodus booth had a similar starter issue, but they compensated with some awesome displays and highly active demo tables, tons of folks to teach or assist, a free mini for their female Nemo character, and a gal in full cosplay AS that character. And all of this on the main floor, just outside the vendor hall. THAT is how you make a splash with mini gamers, and it would've been perfect if they'd had their new Starters (still being printed).

Of, and the WarGods of Aegyptus booth was sad, but its been that way for a decade.

No sign of any Spartan Games anywhere, not even as sale items for general store vendors.

News and Rumors / GenCon 2017
« on: July 06, 2017, 11:49:42 am »
I thought I posted this elsewhere here, but I can't find it.

Does anyone know what the Spartan Events planned for GenCon are (if any)?

Last I looked through the events listing, all I saw was a "local" organized event. My schedule is firming up, so if I need to choose between DW, FSA or say my RUNEWARS event, I want to know :-)

(And yes, I haven't been to the forums lately - apologies if its there. My home PC is down, and Spartan's site is blocked here at work)

Dystopian Wars / Canada and Vikings!
« on: June 26, 2017, 12:10:09 pm »

Okay, these are cool. The STO models totally give me a direction to take my remaining Prussians that I hadn't anticipated. So maybe I'll keep the Krauts after all...

FACO / Tacticon 2017, 28 Sept - 1 Oct
« on: June 19, 2017, 06:33:58 pm »
Tacticon is Sept 28th- Oct 1st this year, and back in Denver I gather. Who might be going?

Somehow (just a hunch) I might be more focused on a 40K event than what to run for Spartan this year. But if folks will be there, I'll still do something for Spartan. (Assuming I like all the new rules)

Firestorm is my first preference, followed by DW, then Planetfall. But I'll take suggestions. :-)

General Discussion / Spartan at GenCon 50
« on: May 20, 2017, 08:11:25 pm »
Is anyone going to GenCon?

I assumed there'd be Spartan Events, but I can only find one unofficial FSA event. Anyone know if they'll be there?

General Discussion / Trek Discovery
« on: May 20, 2017, 08:08:10 pm »
The trailer has been out, and while Paramount/CBS is still mishandling things, this IS recognizably Trek. At least I'm excited about it.

But I was reading reactions over on Total Fan Girl ( ) and some other spots, and it's so overwhelmingly negative, judgemental, and above all ... ENTITLED.
Now I think I despise current Fandom. Or at least I'm horribly depressed by them, especially the guy complaining there's not enough white males.

If Trek dies, its because the fans didn't deserve it anymore...

I'm beginning to understand Davro's point of view:

News and Rumors / Spartan Force Builder
« on: May 19, 2017, 03:44:16 pm »
Now this was totally unexpected , but seems quite awesome!

Wish I could use it now! But it'll have to wait til I get home

Dystopian Wars / New 2.5 Info
« on: April 28, 2017, 11:02:31 am »
I can't see the Spartan Blog from work, but I could see this:

Best part:
Another new feature of the 2.5 Rules is the Damaging Critical Hit. Sometimes the climb from a Critical Hit to the Double Critical hit is a very long one. So if you exceed the Critical Rating of your target and then the damage rating (but not twice the Critical Rating) you will inflict an extra point of Damage. So for example, when shooting at a DR 6 CR 10 model if I score 16-19 hits it will be a Damaging Critical Hit. So that’s one roll on the Critical Hit table and then an additional damage point on top. 20 or more is a double critical as before

Proper editing and rulebook formats is also a good thing. I LOATHE badly written books because I know tech writers are perpetually out of work and looking for freelance stuff. And they'll work cheap. So there's NO EXCUSE for badly written and badly designed professional rules product - an area where Spartan has sinned consistently from the beginning.

New Crit Table sounds easier to deal with, always good.

Not sure what to make of the SAS description... couldn't really follow it.

Now that I have a boatload (equivalent to five a$$tons) of Blazing Sun thanks to McKinstry, I very much look forward to these revisions. I might even try and do DW at GenCon, if this stuff will be live.

News and Rumors / Ascendancy Borg
« on: April 27, 2017, 02:24:07 pm »

Very neat, very terrifying! Co-Op or Die!

And if the Borg assimilate the whole map, does that mean everyone has lost....or won? Unity!

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