Warcradle Naval Games > Uncharted Seas

Still Thinking About US...


I have to admit, I'm still intrigued by this game. Every time I order something from Spartan or The War Store, I'm always tempted to put in for that box of Imperial Humans I've had my eye on ;).

Anyone play this game recently?

I have the rules and bought models (humans, ralgards and shroud mages) but have not played
The rules look nice
As are the models

I have several fleets (Iron Dwarves, Shroud Mages, Thanaris Elves and Bone Griifons).  Like Fracas said, great models, rules are good, and I've played one game a long time ago- I remember that I enjoyed it.

I've thought about bringing the Shroud Mages into a DW game, as some type of secret alternate faction (Lemurian/Atlantian).  Their boats kind of bridge the gap between fantasy and steampunk (to my eyes at least). 


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