Warcradle Naval Games > Uncharted Seas

House Rules for Uncharted Seas


So, I'm planning a demo game of UCS next month, in February, and I'm working on incorporating some rules for ground units (borrowed from Dystopian Wars).  I'm also dreaming up a campaign which departs from the UCS setting and puts the system into an alternate version of the 17th century Caribbean.  Why not match Elven longbowmen against Dwarven musketeers while ships bombard coastal forts and Orcish raiding fleets put raiders ashore to burn down coastal villages?  I'm aiming to capture the integrated system of DW to include both naval and ground operations while reflecting the fantasy setting of a place and time which is different from the coal-smoke shrouded iron stacks of the steampunk genre.

Sounds interesting! Are you basing the units off the infantry token mechanics from DW?

Yes, based on the infantry rules for DW from the new campaign book.

Posted a working version on another thread:



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