Warcradle Naval Games > Uncharted Seas

The Uncharted Seas


The Uncharted Seas was my first beloved game from Spartan Games, and I remain convinced it is still the best (I think Dystopian Wars certainly features more bells, whistles, and steampipes but is not necessarily better).  New versions of the old models were released late last year, and I recently picked up a box of the new Imperial Human starter fleet.  These second generation models are very beautiful indeed, and certainly affordable (especially when compared to other naval miniatures, most of which I can't even find this side of the Atlantic).  And I'm looking forward to buying and painting even more sailing ships.

Today I noticed a post on the Spartan Games forum from Neil himself that a revised rule book, in hardcover, is on the way this month, followed by a campaign book and some new models.  I'm certainly pleased....

Hee hee, I feel the same way about Firestorm Armada as you do about Uncharted Seas ;).

I am thinking that I might use the hardcover rulebook as an excuse to jump into US. Fantasy isn't my thing in general, but I do like my Dwarves ;).


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