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Messages - Easy E

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General Discussion / Black Seas Demo
« on: August 15, 2023, 10:09:25 am »
I actually played a demo game of Warlord Games Black Seas

The hosts ships were beautiful, but I was not going to paint, base, and rig the ships for myself.  I am too lazy for that.

If interested, I have some more pictures and thoughts on Black Seas at the bottom of the blog post:

MBS Media / Re: [ MBS YouTube] BFG Rumor Follow-Up
« on: August 02, 2023, 03:12:04 pm »
Thanks for the follow-up.  I left a comment on YouTube, but wanted to talk about future videos here. 

My preference for future videos is probably biased:

1. BFG - Game Design Case Studies
2. What makes a Naval Game
3. Getting into Naval Gaming on a Budget

News and Rumors / Re: 2023 Great Wargaming Survey
« on: August 02, 2023, 02:04:09 pm »
I did my part!

General Discussion / Re: Forum Reorganization
« on: July 13, 2023, 05:16:42 pm »
The more I look over this place, the more I think it might be time to shut her down. 


News and Rumors / Re: BFG Re-Launch Rumors, 2023 Edition
« on: July 13, 2023, 05:14:04 pm »
Epic came back and Aeronautica Imperialis got killed in exchange. 

I can not see BFG coming back soon.

General Discussion / Mid-Year Review
« on: July 06, 2023, 11:24:51 am »
So, we are half-way through 2023.  What have you got done or started? 

For me, I have managed to do some Naval and Aircraft wargaming this year.  Nothing ground breaking, but more than some other years have been. 

1. I have managed a couple games of Poseidon's Warriors for my Ionian Revolt campaign with my skumgrod.
 - Both fleets were 3D printed and painted over the course of the last year. 

2. A game of Aeronautica Imperialis V1
- Mostly homemade aircraft for this one, and a few Spartan minis too.

3. 3D Printed some Subs for a 40K-inspired Naval game

In progress, I have a Castles in the Sky game in order to wrap up our Indo-China campaign.  However, real life keeps getting in the way of finishing the campaign! 

There is other stuff going on too, but it is not Naval related:

However, I want to hear and be inspired by you!  What Naval related gaming have you done, ships printed and painted, etc.  This thread demands pictures! 

The Shipyard / Re: 3d Printed Victory-class Star Destroyer
« on: July 05, 2023, 04:59:23 pm »
Nice!  Way better than my humble printer could do.

General Discussion / Re: Forum Reorganization
« on: July 05, 2023, 04:57:45 pm »
Discord would be fine for me as an alternative. 

However, I am a tech idiot, so you might have to draw me a picture on how to participate there. :)

General Discussion / Re: Forum Reorganization
« on: June 29, 2023, 12:44:38 pm »
I think a separate board for MBS stuff makes sense.  Links to the YT page would be great! I always seem to fall behind there.   

In addition, I think the Warcradle Forums can get folded into the larger Naval Games section.  We need to keep diversifying with areas for Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Aeronef, Historical, Board Games (Like littoral Commander) and Aircraft.     

I think we should also move up the "Community" section so we can try and get a focus on painting and ongoing projects.  The showcase thread can probably just be built in.


However, the elephant in the room is that the board is dying like all boards across the internet. :( Perhaps you need to think about moving to a *gasp* Facebook Group page.  Yuck.  I don't really use Facebook so you might lose me BUT for the good of the MBS community it might make sense.

I also recommend an IG page and a Twitter account.  Often, you can use a Business Suite App or software to update all three platforms at once with 1-click. 


This is a game using the Forgeworld Version of the Aeronautica Imperialis rules.

Warboss Skarbash looked across the crude map of Da' Deff Islands, and he did not like what he saw.  The Imperium was closing in on the last island he possessed.  More and more of his materials were being cut-off, more of his boyz were not coming back, and the Oomiez kept getting more loot to keep fighting. 

He had managed to break out of the bubble and regain some control of the Approaches.  This gave him and his Nobz some breathing room.  It was a long way from pushing the Oomiez out of the way though.  His submersible fleet had mostly been sunk, his wet navy was thwarted.  The only thing keeping the Oomiez from attacking him now was his Air Boyz. 

He had to put a stranglehold on Imperial logistics.  That was where the Oomiez were winning.  The only way he could strike at them was air power.  He had all ready started attacking the Oomie shipping with his fighters, now he needed to neutralize their air re-supply.

The Orks are trying to intercept and destroy incoming Imperial supplies by interdicting them in the air.  As a result, the air craft have been placed into a convoy system where Imperial interceptors could act as their protectors.


Ammoriss Air PDF
4 Thunderhead Airships
3 Arvus Landers
2 Sentry
+ Skystrike Missiles
1 Sentry Eyes

Ork Air Waaaagh!
3 Ork Fightaz
1 Fighta- Bomma
1 Dakka Jet

This is a Convoy Raid mission per the rules found in the Airspace Compilation. The Defender earns VP for every transport that manages to escape the board edge. 

The game is played on a 6x4 board.  The Convoy is set-up in the center of the board.  The Arvus are in front, followed by the Thunderheads in a diamond pattern.  They are flanked by Sentry's and the Eyes is tailing.  They are at low-altitude around 2 to 3 and speed 3.  The Sentry's are flying top cover at Alt 5.   

The Orks can come in from any board edge.  They choose to clump up the fightas and Dakkajet one of the long edges, coming in fast, at mid-altitude 3 and 4.  The Fighta-Bomma is coming head on from the escaping short edge at slow speed and mid-altitude 2.   

You can read the full report and the results on the blog if you are so inclined:

MBS Media / Re: MBS Podcast Episode 83: 3D Modelling & Printing
« on: June 02, 2023, 02:39:36 pm »
Thanks! I enjoyed this discussion. 

I have been contemplating trying to figure our how to make some 40K-ified naval subs and warships for Aquanautica Imperialis, but the learning curve has always daunted me.  Sounds like learning to draw though, just start with basic shapes and go from there.  Simple to say and really hard to do! 

Historical Naval Games / Poseidon's Warriors- Battle off Cyprus
« on: May 30, 2023, 10:33:59 am »

This is the continuing recreation of the Ionian Revolt.  The Ionian Revolt was a revolt against the Persian Empire by the Ionian Greeks and their allies prior to the Greco-Persian War.  It took place from 499 to 493 BCE.  It was a land and sea affair, so I am using a combination of Poseidon's Warriors and Men of Bronze to re-create the campaign.  Both are from the Osprey Wargaming Series.  In addition, Men of Bronze has a specific supplement for the conflict called The Ionian Revolt.

The Ionians were assisted by the Greek cities of Athens and Eretria, who sent 20 Triremes to aid them.  Together, the Greeks managed to attack the Persian provincial capital at Sardis.  They were initially successful, and pushed the Persian Garrison into the Citadel.  However, they were unable to take the city.  Eventually, the lower city caught fire and the Greeks had to withdraw with their booty.

In the attack, a nearby shrine to Cybele was destroyed.  This incensed the local people against the Greeks.  When the Persian Garrison emerged, the local populace flocked to their banner against the Greeks.  The Persians pursued the Greeks and caught up to them outside Ephesus.  The Greeks were brought to battle there, and defeated.

Despite the loss, the Ionian Revolt spread.  The Ionians managed to gain the support of the Carians, and many other cities in the region.  They all rose up against the Persians.  The island of Cyprus also decided to rise up.  All the cities except for one decided to rebel.  The other cities laid siege to the lone loyalist city.  However, the Persians sent aid tot he island, supported by a Phoenician fleet.  The rebels reached out to the Ionians for help.  They also responded with a fleet and an army. 

Today, we are going to be fighting the Naval engagement that occurred off the coast of Cyprus.  Supposedly, this Naval battle was fought at the same time as a land battle against the Persian army.  The Greeks won at Sea, but lost on land.  This battle took place in 497 BCE, and we only know the outcome from Herodotus.

Once we get the results of the sea battle, we will also be playing the land battle using the scenario in The Ionian Revolt supplement for Men of Bronze.   


1 Slow Trireme unit with admiral and elite troops
4 Slow Trireme units     

1 Fast Trireme with Admiral and
1 Fast Trireme
3 Slow Triremes

This battle will take place on a 6x4 table.  The Western short edge will be the coast off of Salamis.  The Persians will be coming from the South with the Ionians coming from the North. 

Both fleets have deployed for a standard engagement, with the Ionians having their Fast Triremes on the left edge furthest out to sea.  The two sides spread out across the ocean by Squadron.

This will be a straight up battle, with both sides looking to sink the opposing fleet.  The basic scenario is found in the main rulebook.

Instead of my normal turn-by-turn breakdown, I am going to try to break the game down into the Maneuver Phase, the Battle Phase, and the End Game section.  Something a bit different to ease the load of book keeping, and to avoid me taking too much time typing during the actual game!

You can read all the details on the Blood and Spectacles blog here if you are so inclined:

The Showcase / Re: Ruckdog's Random Spaceships!
« on: May 22, 2023, 12:32:04 pm »

I have been thinking about space and naval wargaming a lot lately.

I look forward to learning more about 3D Printing and Design.

I had taught myself some very basic sculpting and used that to make some Naval stuff, but 3D printing would make it look much crisper.  However, I am nervous to get into that side of the hobby.  I look forward to learn more!

The Shipyard / Finally, some Imperial Submarines
« on: May 22, 2023, 11:56:03 am »

About a decade ago, I created a game called Aquanautic Imperialis: Battle for the Depths.  The game was about submarines battles in the Warhammer 40K universe.  I made some MS Paint template for the game and used those to play a bit.

I had intended to sculpt up some submarines from Sculpey, as this was pre-3D printing became a thing.  I only got as far as the Ork subs in Sculpey.  Finally, on Thingiverse I found a Nemo Nautilus submarine I though had the right feel to look like Imperial ships.  After a few sizing attempts and prints I finally got it to what I wanted.  I then painted them up with speed paints and this is the result. 

Here are the Imperial Subs versus some Ork subs. 

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