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Messages - Ryjak

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General Discussion / Re: Did HALO kill Spartan Games?
« on: January 19, 2017, 05:52:37 am »
For the game mechanics, I think that it comes down to the old, old, argument:  Does complexity = good?
In Engineering and Gaming, when has anyone ever made that arguement?  Complexity doesn't make something good, it just makes it complex.  In Engineering, complexity leads to more points of failure.  In Gaming, fun is whatever someone is looking for.  There are seven identified kind of "fun" stimulus; a fun game is one that hits the stimulus you want, a great game hits multiple stimulus types.

All miniature wargaming environments are inherently unstable.[/quote
No they aren't, but almost all game companies have adopted a business model that requires them to constantly change things. Chess is still around, and it hasn't changed in 1,000 years... but no one is trying to defend the Chess IP either, or keep the Chess player base engaged by constantly releasing new rules or pieces.

Battlefleet Gothic is still around too, and it's now in the same situation as Chess, except for one thing; someone will still fight to defend the IP, so no one makes BFG gaming sets.

Firestorm Armada / Re: Question of scale
« on: January 17, 2017, 06:16:14 pm »
Boarding is VERY abstract in FSA too.  How do the Boarding forces get from one ship to another?  And once they're across, they now have to fight in the equivalent of a dense urban area; FSA ships are huge (Cruisers are almost 1 kilometer long! :o). Even if it's a surgical attack, fighting through several hundred meters of unfamiliar corridors and rooms.  That can take a very long time... or hardly any time at all (if the event is one-sided).

General Discussion / Re: Did HALO kill Spartan Games?
« on: January 17, 2017, 05:25:37 pm »
I strongly disagree. HALO is the first successful implementation I've seen in ages (if ever) of having really LARGE fleets on table, with whole squadron elements on a single base.

What is your definition of a LARGE fleet?  If you're going by distinct models, where HFB has 2-4 models per base, then sure, but what really matters is how many Bases are on the table.  A 1000 point fleet in FSA can easily hit 20 bases per side, sometimes 30.  How many bases are on the table in an 'average-sized' HFB game?

-- I drastically prefer that solution for Frigates over the individual management of FSA (possibly the largest time-waster in FSA).
  Sure, if one player insists on moving every single model precisely... which I have never seen except in a few cases where space is tight.

-- Also, it allows for Escort mechanics that feel FAR more natural than FSA.
Of course, as it's built in.  Not hard to build into FSA either.

--Maneuver is easier to understand, but also less forgiving  - no hexagon 180's or snaking or dreadnought 180's here. I think that's more "space-like" to acknowledge the God Momentum. It could only be better if they'd allow flip-and-burn maneuvers. (Allow the 180 for anyone, but they can't move at all next turn). And there's tons of design space for more maneuverable ships.
Both systems feel more like a naval game than a space game, due to the lack of momentum mechanics.

-- I really like their Fighter/Bomber system, and how they keep it completely separate from Boarding craft. Plus there's no separation between Boarding actions and Boarding Craft - I mean how does FSA work if boarding without SRS? Do they shove guys out airlocks?
No one really likes how FSA handles either system.

Simplification does not mean simple, though it may seem so with only two factions, limited model variety, and attendant limited weapons and "MARs". In ways, it reminds me of Age of Sigmar: an unforgiveable dumbing down at first glance, but later realizing the massive design depth available, simply through special rules by units versus in core rules.
I have no idea why he equates it to checkers, particularly since he's not a checkers Grand Master.  Simple can be very deep.

If you gave me a few weeks and paid me, I could convert every Firestorm fleet to HALO mechanics, and you'd love it more than any FSA edition.
That could be fun...

About the only skewed HALO mechanic is boarding, which is massively more destructive/dramatic than any firepower crits, but that's a deliberate choice to highlight the Spartans, and could be removed/tweaked for any adaptation.
I absolutely agree on all points, and this one mechanic is why I don't play.  To me, it actually breaks from the HALO theme.

Overall, I have MORE fun playing HALO than FSA, I just miss the variety and background that comes with FSA.
maybe Ruckdog will teach me the game after Adepticon Training.

General Discussion / Re: Did HALO kill Spartan Games?
« on: January 17, 2017, 04:15:01 pm »
 I'm sorry, but I cannot find the original source of the quote;  it is somewhere on this blog:

 The author is always hyper critical, but he is what turned me onto FSA in the first place. Sadly, he seems to have stopped playing this game... or any game.

General Discussion / Did HALO kill Spartan Games?
« on: January 17, 2017, 05:12:38 am »
Read this on a blog while not sleeping:

"Halo is too simplified. I’m not interested in teaching gamers how to play checkers with minis. It doesn’t have a fun factor, unless you are very young or really love Halo. Spartan made their money and dropped support for the game Microsoft wanted. They [Spartan Games] aren’t allowed to make more money on it because Microsoft won’t make more."

I'm curious for all the HALO players... how fun is the game, and why?  And more importantly, it certainly seems HALO did kill Dystopian Wars and Firestorm, which are the primary games from Spartan... or were.  Before the DW Kickstarter, when was the last time anything came out?  I can't recall the last substantive release for Firestorm. (Announcing a narrative online campaign five months doesn't count.)

I looked it up: the Omnidyne release, which was in July 2016.  It added some new ships, and updated models.  Before that was April 2016, when they released the Core Six Fleet Guides consolidating the System Wars and Task Force stats into one PDF... Task Force was released shortly before that, and is the last time anything was released for Planetfall.

Firestorm Armada / Re: How hard are Dindrenzi to play?
« on: January 09, 2017, 06:43:38 am »
Wow, I know distribution of Spartan Games product is slow, but I've never heard of that kind of problem.

Adding a Heavy Cruiser to a Cruiser Squadron can work very well.  Because the Heavy Cruiser is slower and far less maneuverable, it plays more like a Heavy Cruiser Squadron as it moves across the table.  The Heavy Cruiser gives the squadron more firepower and defenses, particularly Forward Fixed, Gunracks, Torpedoes, and Point Defense.

As for the Praetorian vs Naussica, both are solid Battleships.  The Praetorian is a good, general-purpose ship, while the Naussica is all about offense.  I find the Praetorian with 5 Interceptors forms a very solid position for the fleet to rally around, but I sometimes wish it had the Nausicaa's Mines and Forward-Fixed firepower.

For big games, take both!

General Discussion / Re: What are you reading?
« on: January 09, 2017, 05:50:10 am »
Thank you, Ruckdog, for suggesting The Lost Fleet.  This is probably the "hardest" science fiction book I've read for space combat.  The ships generally have amazing thrust values (Delta V) and the fastest a ship has gone this far in the first two books is .2c (that's 1/5th the speed of light).  Much of the combat thus centers on the strategy and tactics for fighting with the relativistic effects these speeds induce... particularly since communication and sensors still travel at light speed.

Interestingly, all the weapons have an analog in Firestorm Armada.  If the game's Movement system was substantially altered, it could easily become a Lost Fleet game system.

Firestorm Armada / Re: Question of scale
« on: January 06, 2017, 06:00:58 pm »
A long time ago, I used Pluto as an 8" Planetoid to develop Board Scale, and at that scale, Earth is almost exactly 48" wide, so I think it's a good Scale for distances.  However, at that scale, a game Turn must be a very long length of time so physical projectiles can travel that far in a Turn.  Then again, maybe Torpedoes can reach a reasonable fraction of c in a short period of time, and the scale is large while the Turns are fairly short.

It might make more sense to figure out a time scale per turn you like, and then figure out Board Scale based on the distances.

Hey, where's that sub-mariner to tell us how long a modern ship-on-ship combat is expected to last?

General Discussion / Re: Predictions for 2017
« on: January 02, 2017, 12:12:44 pm »
I think you're insane.  SG has no clue when it comes to Kickstarters, so there should be no expectation the DW KS will end up 'successful', let alone lead to future projects.

Dropzone/Fleet is up in the air to me; they really understand the importance of working to support their customers, but it seems even more niche than Spartan Games' products.

As for GW... the have taken some baby steps away from the Eye of Terror, but are continuing purely on momentum.

I'm on-board with everything else.  If you could make an A-list game, what would it be?

General Discussion / Re: ROGUE ONE
« on: December 30, 2016, 09:26:04 pm »
And now, for something completely different.

[spoiler]Did we watch the same movie?  Sure, I had fun, it's Star Wars, but as a film it was pretty meh.  Here's how I can tell.

- I can't remember any of the main characters names
- Only one character made jokes
- The Rebels felt like bigger dicks than the Imperials
- I didn't buy how the girl was able to not only called out the above, but also give a better rousing speech than a room full of politicians
- No way would a ship smaller than a Star Destroyer's engine be able to push a Star Destroyer so hard that it destroyed everything
- What happened to the 50+ Tie Fighters?
- And some other stuff I'm sure is bothering you.

On the plus side, I generally enjoyed the space combat at the end, and Vader wrecking face was pretty awesome.  It was brilliant to have it run straight into A New Hope, but it should have ended a bit sooner.[/spoiler]

Firestorm Armada / Re: Prepping Adepticon Lists
« on: December 30, 2016, 05:41:03 pm »
I understand that, as Pilgrims are over-priced by 5, if not 10 points. While they can potentially fire 3x 10AD shots in one activation, you'd be lucky to toss 3x7 AD shots, and that 1 Shield doesn't really boost their survivability.

You don't need two Squadrons off-hand... but what else could you do for 120 points?

Maybe it's time to bring Allies?  You could borrow my 6 Aquan Corvettes, for example.

Firestorm Armada / Re: Prepping Adepticon Lists
« on: December 30, 2016, 06:36:40 am »
Odd that you're worried about having so many points in Tier 3, as you've seen how my Fleets tend to look the same and generally do well.

General Discussion / Re: The MBS Adepticon 2017 Thread
« on: December 28, 2016, 04:07:53 pm »
 I will not be attending either, but it's not much of a loss.

Firestorm Armada / Re: Thoughts from a (Terrible) Terran Player
« on: December 24, 2016, 09:37:39 am »
Here's a Fleet concept going in a completely different direction.

Firestorm Armada / Re: Thoughts from a (Terrible) Terran Player
« on: December 21, 2016, 08:30:36 am »
Thoughts from a (Terrific) Terran Player:

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