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Messages - Ryjak

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Firestorm Armada / Re: Directorate Heavy Cruiser(s) in Patrol Fleets.
« on: October 22, 2017, 07:48:59 am »
It’s a minor typo, and should say ‘Heavy Cruiser Squadron’.  Per the Heavy Cruiser stat card, the Squadron size is 2-3, not 1.

General Discussion / Re: MBS Monthly Poll #17
« on: October 11, 2017, 06:40:39 pm »
I’m going to disagree here and say 3D printed models and more are just around the corner.  The technology is growing by leaps and bounds, and the price of decent printers are continuing to plummet.  The only thing really slowing down the industry’s market growth are the US Patents... once those expire, a home 3D printer will likely be just as common as a photo-quality printer.

However, most people probably don’t need something like that at home... so I expect a company like Fed-Ex Kinkos will invest in high-end (high speed, high quality, large volume) 3D Printers, just as they have high-end Large Format Printers.

Further, we’re starting to see 3D Printers that can do a decent job with colors as well.  While they can’t match the average hobby painter in detail or total colors right now, it’s just a matter of time until they can produce at that level as well.

There a lot of things you simply cannot do without a 3D printer due to the unique construction technique.  Shapes and designs that are basically impossible to mass produce with common sculpt-mold production are surprisingly simple for 3D Printers.  These will also get better with time, especially as model designers that were never trained in the sculpt-mold method start hitting the scene and really capitalize on what this technology can do.

Finally, the real nail in the coffin for traditional production is 3D printing will bypass expensive shipping costs.  Do you enjoy paying for your models to be shipped across the Atlantic?  How about paying the cost of a letter to get a model sent to your house, or an entire army in a box for a couple dollars instead?  If you live in or near a decent city, there are probably plenty of high-end 3D Printers within 10 miles of you right now, and odds are those machines have a lot of idle time.  Even if they only made $.50 for each model they made for gamers, that’s far better than the $0 for that equipment sitting idle.  There will probably be a time when you can buy this time through Shapeways... if it isn’t happening already.

Considering one of the reasons Spartan Games tanked was due to distribution problems, local 3D printing essentially bypasses this entire industry.

For me, it’s simply a question of when... I’ll predict 5 years from now, as that’s when a lot of patents will start expiring, and the price of these machines and thus production will start plumettng.

Here are some top 10 articles to demonstrate where technology is at today;

Color 3D printer:

Firestorm Armada / Re: "Fanstorm" Armada
« on: September 14, 2017, 10:38:57 pm »
Maybe once I somewhat settled after my recent move, I'll put together that time-lapse video I recorded from our last Firestorm Armada game, Ruckdog.  It really illustrates how much of a time-suck the movement phase and dice math is in FSA 2.0.

Since I helped to develop and playtest these templates and movement system, I can state these do speed up gameplay.  First, you can basically pre-measure before you turn and see if the model/base will end up somewhere it can fit.  Second, understand you can't change the turn direction until you move far enough to complete the turn... these templates represent a maximum turning rate.  Third, you can start a turn at any time.

General Discussion / Re: MBS Podcast Episode 16
« on: April 03, 2017, 07:35:11 pm »
I feel like I grew on up TNG, because I was old enough to understand what was going on.  That first 'episode' was trying to be a TV Movie, and it failed by trying to do way too much.  Fortunately they remembered Star Trek is a morality play in a Sci-Fi setting.  They even managed to make a few Episodes with Q not totally suck by leaving out the Q's ex Machina.

The best Episodes are when Piccard ends up in really bad situations, without anyone else to help.

General Discussion / Re: MBS Monthly Poll #10
« on: March 24, 2017, 10:24:41 pm »
I'm not a big enough Trekkie to answer this, but those all sound like minor factions; how many of them even have starships, and show up in more than one episode?

Might be better to make them independent "city-states" that don't expand, but they align themselves with whichever player has the most production, science, culture, etc over a certain minimum value... and of course, you can try to conquer them.  That's what the evil Federation always tries to do, right?

General Discussion / Re: What are you reading?
« on: February 14, 2017, 09:33:03 pm »
Finished reading the first Lost Fleet series (6 books).  I enjoyed it, but I'll wait on reading the next series until I read Honor Harrington.

Landlubber, what are you waiting for?

Space Naval Games / Re: X-Wing Dice Stats
« on: February 04, 2017, 08:54:38 am »
From what I found online, it looks like the maximum Attack is 7 Dice, while the best defense is 5 Dice.  Now to use Ruckdog's link to make a chart of outcomes, and develop a conversion system that's almost as fast as rolling dice.  That's the only real advantage of dice; they turn a complex calculation and turn it into a quick activity.

General Discussion / Re: Obscure Games
« on: February 04, 2017, 12:20:51 am »
I prefer David Sirlin's example: cake baking.  Basically, what is the skill that matters in the game?  Is it the dexterity test (from dropping pencils or moving the controls to execute a special move) or is it the player's choices?

Space Naval Games / Re: X-Wing Dice Stats
« on: February 03, 2017, 11:30:59 pm »
My nephew got me playing Clash Royale, and the only thing random is which 4 of your 8 units are available at any moment.  Everything else is determined by player actions; choices.  And this is considered one of the most competitive games today.  So I'm pretty sure randomness isn't essential to gameplay... particularly since there are plenty of solid games where the only thing random is player choice.

Space Naval Games / Re: X-Wing Dice Stats
« on: February 03, 2017, 06:21:36 am »
That's not what I meant... I figured that out on my own by looking at my X-Wing dice. :P

What I meant, Andy, was has someone broken down the dice math for the interactions of these dice?  For example, if an X-Wing shoots at a Dodging TIE Fighter, what are the odds of doing a point of damage, 2+ damage, or missing completely?  How do the odds change if you spend your Focus on shooting?

Then apply this across the board... I can figure it out on my own, but I don't even know the top end of what's possible.  What's the strongest Attack and Defense in the game?

With this knowledge, I can develop and play-test a system that doesn't use dice at all... because lately I've been asking myself: Why do games need randomization as a core mechanic?  Oddly, what inspired me is "The Lost Fleet", where ships are within weapon range for a fraction of a second, so weapon fire is automated.  It all comes down to human maneuvering of the ships.

Space Naval Games / X-Wing Dice Stats
« on: February 01, 2017, 08:59:12 pm »
 I'm not very familiar with X-Wing... is anyone aware of a site/resource that breaks down all the dice math/stats for the various combos of dodge, focus, target lock, etc?

General Discussion / Re: Obscure Games
« on: January 29, 2017, 11:36:51 pm »
Both are interesting techniques, but in some ways rolling dice is simply faster while achieving nearly the same end results... except you can't gain dice-rolling skills, but you can gain pencil-dropping skills.  I think the importance is this: do you want to get skillful at that?

General Discussion / Re: Obscure Games
« on: January 29, 2017, 09:19:32 am »
And then there is "Little Wars", which I believe is considered the first miniatures wargame:

I don't think Calvary or infantry had guns they could actually fire; they could only kill each other in melee combat.  However, cannons fired actual projectiles players had to aim and physical knock down pieces to kill them.  This may be the only way to have a skill test for firing weapons, instead of a random mechanic (rolling dice) or a deterministic mechanic (at this distance, I inflict X damage).

General Discussion / Re: Spartan Neil Interview
« on: January 24, 2017, 09:08:34 pm »
Ah, the story of a gamer that accidently created a successful miniatures war game, and then two more... and then dreamed big and lost all semblance of control as everything grew beyond his ability to manage.  Now he's desperate to regain what has been lost, and rediscovering what creates success.  But will it be too little too late?

General Discussion / Re: Did HALO kill Spartan Games?
« on: January 20, 2017, 07:10:09 am »
It took me a while but here are some studies on what constitutes "fun":

And here's the BrainHex Survey:  If you didn't read the above research paper, I suggest you take this survey anyway, as it will help you learn what kind of "fun" you prefer, and perhaps more importantly, what kind of fun is NOT fun for you.  Also, this is based on what little we know about how the human brain works.

For example, I actually have an aversion to the "fight or flight" response, which is why I do NOT enjoy Horror Movies, which are designed to trigger this response constantly (particularly with jump scares).  The reason is I want to fight, but can't, and that frustrates me.  So I actually don't want to engage this neural pathway (which is mostly in the "lizard" brain").

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