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Topics - Yarkshire Gamer

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So here it is, the final update of our Baltic Naval Campaign,

Game 4 ramps things up with the arrival of some big guns, as well as most of the Luftwaffe !

You need a spot of luck with the Soviet fleet, having bad luck is not better than having no luck at all.

This has been a really enjoyable foray into a Campaign and theatre of operations that prior to the Campaign I knew little about. Hope those who have followed along have enjoyed as well.

Regards Ken
The Yarkshire Gamer


Here we go again, 

Game 3 is here, after a couple of smaller games we have 70 ships and nearly 200 aircraft fighting this one out.

An interesting fight with a steadily building Soviet force trying to out run, German Ships, German and Finnish Aircraft, Shore Batteries, Mines and their own exploding ships.

As Russian Commander in this game you have to be prepared for losses, however can you lose just enough to still win ?

As always I have included full set up instructions, maps and orbats if you fancy a go at the battle, along with links to the previous combats.

Thanks for any interest.

Regards Ken
The Yarkshire Gamer


Welcome back Naval Gamers,

Part 2 of our Baltic Naval Campaign is up on t'blog for those of you with a nautical disposition to enjoy. Read our adventures on the high seas or why not join in, all the scenario details are there.

As you might be able to tell from the photo, things didn't go to well for the Russians.

Why do Commanders always close the range ?

We had an enjoyable game and part 3 of the Campaign our go at the Tallinn Convoys is already on the table.

Regards Ken
The Yarkshire Gamer

Historical Naval Games / 1/2400 Tirpitz and Friends
« on: February 27, 2017, 02:07:35 pm »

A rare foray into 1/2400 WW2 Naval for me today, having huge 1/3000 collections for the period the need and of course cost of starting a fresh in a larger scale is out of the question.

It was nice then to put these together for a friend for a display game for Tirpitz and her final action.

GHQ of course with a nice addition to my WW1 collection included on the blog post.

Regards Ken
The Yarkshire Gamer

Historical Naval Games / WW2 Baltic Naval Campaign - Game 1 - Daily Patrol
« on: February 17, 2017, 12:23:16 pm »

Evening one and all,

If you like short snappy blog posts about non Naval Wargaming,then this won't be for you !

Last week we finally managed to get the 2016 Naval Campaign started a year later than planned. After Jutland shenanigans I needed a short break from Nautical gaming but suitably rested it's back.

If you haven't seen a YG Campaign before I run a series of linked scenarios covering a short period of history, his time we are in the Baltic in late summer and autumn 1941. Their are two other full Campaigns to enjoy on YG if you like.

The post is quite long as it covers everything you would need to play the Campaign as well as giving a detailed account of the first small scenario for your delectation and my memory.

Hope you enjoy, either play along or chuckle at the exploits of our participants.

Regards Ken
The Yarkshire Gamer

Historical Naval Games / 1/2400 HMS Ark Royal 1915
« on: December 01, 2016, 12:11:58 pm »

Hail Fellows Naval Wargaming Dudes,

A quick post covering this lovely WW1 ships from WTJ, the original Ark Royal Carrier.

Some great detail on this model, a must for any WW1 Naval collection I'd say.

Regards Ken
The Yarkshire Gamer

Historical Naval Games / 1/2400 HMS Courageous 1917
« on: November 08, 2016, 01:23:44 pm »

On the advice of my doctor, who informed me that suddenly stopping painting WW1 ships would be dangerous to my heath, I have started to detox and just do the odd ship here and there to ease the withdrawal.

HMS Courageous was on the extreme end of the Battlecruiser idea, her 4x15" guns could certainly pack a punch and her 32 knots top speed was 11 knits faster than the Dreadnoughts of the time. However her 3" belt armour would stop the water getting in but not much else.

She certainly opens up some interesting scenarios / match ups, next up will be Ark Royal.

Regards Ken

Historical Naval Games / Project Jutland - A Grand Day Out FIASCO 16
« on: November 02, 2016, 02:25:13 pm »

Evening all,

Last weekend the 248 ships (Queen Mary and Indy stayed in the box) of Project Jutland made it onto the table at FIASCO at the Royal Armouries in Leeds.

A great time was had by all and I had chance to speak to a lot of people who have followed the Project on this blog, my apologies to those I didn't get to speak to as I was already chatting to someone else, I reckon there was only about 20 minutes in the day when I wasn't chatting to someone.

Lots of pics on the blog of the full set up. Back at the Armouries again in a couple of weeks when dice will be rolled !

Regards Ken
The Yarkshire Gamer


All my previous posts to Manbattlestations have been around my Historical Naval Gaming, heres my Sci fi, alter ego !

Well it's been a while X Wing boys and girls!

Life and Project Jutland have got in the way of our intrepid pilots and their ongoing  (now 2 year old) Campaign to rid the Galaxy of the evil Empire.

For those of you who haven't seen our games before we use scenario play for pilots to gain experience to buy pilot and ship upgrades, if you want a change from comps and points builds give it a go.

This week the lovely Princess Leia makes an appearance rushing to get the plans of the Death Star to the Rebel Command through the medium of a little known droid who keeps bleeping every "Bleeping" minute of the day.

May the Force be with you, Regards
The Yarkshire Gamer

Historical Naval Games / Project Jutland - A Grand Fleet Review
« on: September 22, 2016, 12:41:44 pm »

Well after finishing the ships it would be rude after doing a High Seas Fleet Review not to return the complement to the Royal Navy and do a Grand Fleet Review.

So here in glorious technicolour for your delectation is all 151 ships of the British Fleet which took part in the mighty battle.

The Battle Line is just over 12 ft long when set out, putting the ships out on the table has given us some food for thought for both the Static display and our refights. There are a couple of shots at the end of the post with all 250 ships on my 12 x 6 table, there's not a lot of room to manoeuvre.

The post is picture Heavy so if you like looking at ship models your in for a treat :-)

This is the final post of the build / paint phase of the project (thank God I hear you say !) so let me take the opportunity to thank all of you who have followed the Project, your kind comments and encouragement have helped keep me going.

Regards Ken
The Yarkshire Gamer

Historical Naval Games / Project Jutland - High Seas Fleet Complete
« on: September 13, 2016, 12:46:13 pm »

Welcome back ye followers of Project Jutland,

Today is a momentus day, the German "half" of the ships are complete ! Hurrah.

99 1/2400 ships done with the last batch of 32 British ships based and primed the end is in sight.

The post is mostly pictures as you would expect, the German Battle line ended up over 8 ft long which is a challenge to photograph (I ended up putting them in close formation in the end).

The whole collection will be on display for the first time at FIASCO at the Royal Armouries in Leeds on 30th October. It will be a static display as the club members will be engaged in running the show but I will be around to chat about the project.

Regards Ken
The Yarkshire Gamer

Historical Naval Games / Project Jutland - Armoured Cruisers
« on: September 02, 2016, 01:12:24 pm »

All aboard the Armoured Cruisers!

Project Jutland took another leap forward this week with the completion of the British Armoured Cruiser Squadrons consisting of 8 ships and another 4 M Class Destroyers  (you can never have enough M Class).

I had real problems putting together these beasts, the secondary turrets especially were a real pain. I have lost a couple of masts already too so I don't hold out much hope for the rest of them.

Thanks again for your continued interest.

Regards Ken
The Yarkshire Gamer

Historical Naval Games / Project Jutland - A Spot of Light Cruising
« on: August 07, 2016, 07:42:58 am »

Salute fellow gamers and Naval History type people,

Latest installment on the downward slope of Project Jutland with another 27 ships complete.

Included are some C in C ships (for the first and last time) great little models, good crisp casting and detail superb, it's a shame the range isn't bigger and more readily available in the UK. Thanks to Wargames Emporium in Sheffield for getting these for me.

I just have 8 GHQ Armoured Cruisers in da house waiting to be built, apart from that my final order is in with WTJ for the last ships, so hopefully if the owner reads this he will get them dispatched quickly !

Regards Ken
The Yarkshire Gamer

Historical Naval Games / HMS Engadine- 3d Printing Tis t'Future
« on: August 03, 2016, 01:51:32 pm »

Hi everyone,

Those of you following Project Jutland will have been wondering how I was going to solve a problem called Engadine.

Well here she is in all her witchcraft like 3d printing through the air malarkey. She's not GHQ but I'm proud of her, she will sit nicely with the other ships in the collection.

Thanks to Andrew Dickinson for the design and build of the ship. Hopefully he can answer any technical questions because I haven't got a clue. I'm still waiting  (although not expecting) the Inquisition to come knocking.

It will be interesting to see how traditional companies react to this new technology as it becomes avaliable.

Regards Ken
The Yarkshire Gamer

Historical Naval Games / A Casual Sundays WW1 Naval Action
« on: July 26, 2016, 01:27:24 pm »

As a break from painting WW1 ships I actually played a game with them !

We used a random selection method to pick our forces and each of the 4 players had 2 Dreadnoughts a Light Cruiser and 4 Destroyers.

It was a great enjoyable days gaming, I am really pleased with how the rules are progressing and other than a tweek here and then the "standard" version is done. I already have lots of ideas for the Fast Play Jutland version.

The British lost a LC and 3DD, the Germans 2DD, Warspite was hit rather unluckily by a Torpedo and Collingwood lost its Bridge, the Germans didn't come off scot free as two of their Dreadnoughts lost turrets.

Pop by t'blog (link above) for the full story.

Regards Ken
The Yarkshire Gamer

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