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Topics - Yarkshire Gamer

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Historical Naval Games / 1/700 Bismarck Battleship
« on: February 07, 2023, 08:34:47 am »

Here are the first  pictures of the recently completed 1/700 #Bismarck build.

The kit is from Revell and sold as a full hull kit, which I didn't notice when I bought it so a sharp blade and a lot of swearing turned it into a waterline ! I was very impressed with the kit, much more detailed (and longer to build) than the Tamiya ones I've built.

The base on the ship is the same size as the Hood which is 42 x 10. My rules use standard base sizes for classes of ships, so for this scale Cruisers are on 32 x 8 and Destroyers 22 x 6. Don't get you calculator out to work out some complex formula based on model scale and ground scale to work out the reasoning, there isn't any. I am trying to protect the model.

I've done a series of videos on the Utubes covering the entire build if you are interested in that side of things.


The camo scheme is as the ship was painted in early May 41 at the start of Op Rheinubung (Sovereign Hobbies reference), I know these aren't the colours at the time of engagement with Hood, but I wanted a scheme that was instantly recognisable as Bismarck without the pain of repeating the black and white up the superstructure.

Symbols - the good old "controversial" crooked cross is not present on the model as it has been presented. I am aware of the sensitivity around this symbol for some. I will be adding it at a later stage, the Revell kit does not come with it as a decal option so that made the decision easier. I am very firmly in the camp of, if its historically accurate and representing a real moment in time I have no problem putting a symbol on a model. I'm old enough and daft enough to distinguish between an accurate model and a political ideology. When I add it I will put a note on any relevant photos.

The horizon in the background of the photo is bent because there is a dip in my table 😀

If you spot anything missing from the model let me know, I've got a couple of pieces rattling around in the box that I've missed !

Anyway I've had a great time building this model and I look forward to displaying and playing with it in the future. I was so enthusiastic I built Prince of Wales last night 👍

Regards Ken
The Yarkshire Gamer

Historical Naval Games / 1/700 WW2 Naval Project gets its Convoy On
« on: January 31, 2023, 02:01:35 am »

I haven't put anything on the blog about the WW2 Naval Project in a while which doesn't mean I've been idol.

There are four more ships added to the collection this month.

First up is a Liberty Ship  John W Brown, next up I've bolstered my British Destroyers with a Tribal Class Destroyer, HMS Eskimo.

Then we have HMS Javelin a J Class Destroyer and finally a second Liberty Ship this time using a Jeremiah O'Brien kit.

All the models are from Trumpeter apart from Javelin (sold as HMS Jervis) which is from Aoshima.

Hopefully I will finish the Bismark in the next week or so. Yes I need a Car Park to play with these but I am having way too much fun with them.

Regards Ken
The Yarkshire Gamer

Historical Naval Games / 1/700 WW2 Naval Test Game
« on: November 27, 2022, 12:14:43 pm »

A couple of weeks ago I took my 1/700 WW2 Project to the club and we had a play through with the 8 Destroyers I have built.

I've put a blog post together discussing the various options and choices I'm trying to make. Ground Scale is the obvious one, whilst the purists will look to do model scale to ground scale and Warlord Games will do Midway on a 6 x 4. I'm looking for something in between, so I've started on a 12 x 8.

I've used my own rules, I know they work as we've been using them for 25 plus years, let the games begin.

Regards Ken
The Yarkshire Gamer

Historical Naval Games / Shell Splash Marker Tutorial
« on: November 07, 2022, 02:18:36 pm »
You asked (a lot !) for a shell splash tutorial, so here it is. My step by step guide to how I've made them. Out on the Yarkshire Gamer Utubes now (link below) 👍
#wargames #wargaming #tabletopgaming #tabletopgames #hobby #tutorial #Naval

Historical Naval Games / Yarkshire Gamer 1/700 WW2 Naval Project Thread
« on: September 28, 2022, 08:05:22 am »

Sometimes madness strikes in the strangest of ways and I certainly hadn't planned a foray into a scale and period that needs a huge warehouse to play but Yarkshire Gamer has never been known for the smaller things in gaming.

I've done a blog post (link above) to discuss the plans for the Project and show off the first completed ship I've done. I think this is one of the best pieces I've done in a long time, possibly ever.

Why not join me on this latest journey.

Regards Ken
The Yarkshire Gamer

Historical Naval Games / Naval Wargaming Basing and Painting Tutorial
« on: September 14, 2020, 12:48:00 pm »

Well I don't do a painting tutorial in ages and then two come along at once lol.

This is a rehash of an old favourite, my old fashioned pic and text blog post on this very subject a few years back was very popular so when I needed some early WW1 ships for a Campaign I thought it was a good idea to update the tutorial to the Utubes age.

I take you through building up and painting the sea base itself before painting the ship, all materials / paints are covered so I hope it's of use to you.

The video is 40 plus mjnutes long as I try to decide which is best, a full on directors cut epic or bit sized chunks any thoughts ?

Regards Ken
The Yarkshire Gamer

Regards Ken
The Yarkshire Gamer

Historical Naval Games / The "Not" Jutland Ship Collection
« on: June 12, 2019, 12:56:06 pm »

What do you do when you have built and painted all the ships at Jutland ?

Build the ones that weren't there of course !

A selection of ships from both sides who failed to make the big bash mostly through maintenance or crashing into your mate (in the case of Australia).

The bottom pic shows just how far warships came in less than 10 years from the revolution that was Dreadnought to the Super D Queen Elizabeth. As always lots more pics on't blog.

Regards Ken
The Yarkshire Gamer

Historical Naval Games / WW1 Naval Campaign 2 - Heligoland Bight
« on: June 02, 2019, 11:57:10 am »

Roll up, Roll Up, get ya Ferret here !

Game 2 of the WW1 Naval Campaign is in the bag, read all the background in the newspaper above, with the inside scoop and the famous Boycott column.

Whilst if you pop over to The Yarkshire Gamer blog through the link above you can see a full blow by blow account of the game with lots of pics.

Make sure you subscribe to the Ferret.

Regards Ken
The Yarkshire Gamer

Historical Naval Games / WW1 Naval Campaign - War is Declared !
« on: April 30, 2019, 05:28:52 pm »

Evening fellow Naval Gamers (all 3 of you),

Every Easter is Naval Campaign time at Yarkshire Gamer and this year the old Jutland Collection gets another run out with a few new models.

The Campaign has both a Tactical Tabletop element and an Abstract Political element which affects ship deployments etc.

So with my own TV channel (Yarkshire TV) I continue my rise to global media tycoon with the launch of my own Newspaper T'Yarkshire Ferret. The Ferret will bring you the big stories of the Campaign whilst the blog will bring you the in depth battle reports.

Pop down to Yarkshire Gamer blog for a full AAR of game one and get a Ferret in your Letter Box !

Regards Ken
The Yarkshire Gamer

Historical Naval Games / 1/2400 WW1 Super Dreadnoughts Baden and Bayern
« on: February 19, 2019, 12:39:18 pm »

If I was a chéf without doubt the Naval Miniature would be my signature dish.

After the slog of Project Jutland a couple of years back I have had a bit of a break from painting the nautical, 250 1/2400 ships is a enough for one lifetime.

But then there is the ships that weren't at Jutland, I hear you say, and you are quite right ! I have collected a slack handful of GHQ ships to fill the gaps in my collection and one of the bonus rounds on the Analogue Hobbies Winter Paint Challenge was "Water" queue these bad boys.

15 inch guns and thick armour what's not to like, they will take pride and place at the head of my WW1 German Navy. Lots more on blog.

Regards Ken
The Yarkshire Gamer

Historical Naval Games / Op Berlin 1941 - Game 4, Rendezvous
« on: July 10, 2018, 03:34:29 pm »

Dear Fellow Naval Gamer,

Here we have the 4th episode of our 2018 Naval Campaign for your perusal.

More of a straight up fight this time after the mind games of the previous three games, Scharnhorst and Gneisenau have fallen on a Convoy of Transports just as the escorts are in a change over rendezvous, twice as many escorts and a roving Battlegroup including a small carrier. Things get interesting.

Lots of pictures and full set up notes and AAR on the blog post.

Regards Ken
The Yarkshire Gamer


Game 3 is up and it's a bit different,  a true story of the brave Chilean Reefer merchant who took on two German Battlecruisers.

As always full details to play along.

Regards Ken
The Yarkshire Gamer

Historical Naval Games / 2018 WW2 Naval Campaign - Game 2 HX 106
« on: May 09, 2018, 04:55:27 pm »

Well we've been at it again !

Down at Yarkshire Gamer Part 2 of this year's Naval Campaign is in the bag and on the blog.

Our as yet unidentified German ships set loose amongst a Convoy, what could go wrong ?

Regards Ken
The Yarkshire Gamer

Historical Naval Games / 2018 WW2 Naval Campaign - Game 1 Breakout
« on: April 30, 2018, 02:31:05 pm »

It's that time of year again folks !

Naval Campaign time down at YG, it's a top secret mission. It's 1941, it's dark and wet and that's all I can tell you.

Full details on the blog with game briefing for both sides and the all important Umpire Notes. Not everything you see is what it is !

Enjoy, Part 2 soon.

Regards Ken
The Yarkshire Gamer

Historical Naval Games / Project Jutland - Live at Derby
« on: October 22, 2017, 03:25:13 pm »

Evening fellow Navallers,

The giant behemoth that is Jutland rolled out of the stocks into the show that is the Derby Worlds a couple of weeks ago.

I have done a full report on the game, it's set up and how we got on, liberally sprinkled with lots of pics of course  !

A great couple of days with a monster of a game. For you full on Naval geeks I have listed the damage to each of the ships involved. I have put it at the end so "normal" people can stop reading before hand.

Hopefully Project Jutland will see the light of day again, no plans as yet but I'm open to offers (mostly pie and beers based offers that is).

Regards Ken
The Yarkshire Gamer

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