Space Italians from Brigaded
Space Italians from Brigaded
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Description: I’m crap at posting on the forum (lost my mojo for a while) but in an attempt at penance I thought I’d post some pics of my fleets.  I’m pretty much finished my Eurofed fleet from brigade (a mixture of old and new sculpts).  Most of my fleets are pretty brightly coloured so I wanted to do something a little more subdued.  Painting black ships while still trying to bring out the details is tough.  I mainly drybrushed in successive lighter greys.  For contrast, the recessed areas I painted bright white then used a bright red contrast paint which I’m quite please with.

These are going to form my Space Renaissance Italian Fleet
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Views: 111
Filesize: 717.97kB
Height: 960 Width: 1280
Posted by: grumbeast at April 08, 2022, 10:28:10 pm

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