Author Topic: MBS Podcast Episode 56  (Read 703 times)


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MBS Podcast Episode 56
« on: September 29, 2021, 10:21:09 pm »

Greg and Andy are joined by returning guest Andy B. to discuss Battlefleet Gothic, the classic space combat game set in the Warhammer 40k universe! During the round table, Andy and Andy B. share their thoughts on a number of aspects surrounding the game and its community. Later, they give the game the full MBS review treatment!

BFG Roundtable: 34 Min

BFG Review: 1 Hr 15 Min


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Re: MBS Podcast Episode 56
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2021, 09:57:50 pm »

 Listening in this afternoon, in between painting and other stuff.

 Just a few notes, observations, opinions and frothing at the mouth -

 As you say Battlefleet Gothic (BFG) was designed from the ground up to include ground combat which Full Thrust didn't include until second edition with More Thrust. That seemed to be more to support BFG over the more popular games of 40K and Epic, it seemed to many players, and particularly in the case of Epic - At least in my area, Epic:Armageddon lost a large number of players because the Orbital Artillery, Dropcraft and so forth required an actual BFG vessel on table ( GW Players and most places they would play at being sticklers for WYSIWYG rules ), and by that stage, those ships were either unobtainable or costly as all hell. Can't help but think, however, that that drove the 3D printing of GW proxies for Epic and BFG myself.

 Forge World. Ah yes, the great heretics of GW. Back in the day, they literally had people say " Hey, look what I sculpted in 6mm/Epic scale on the weekend!" at the studio, and they would put them into production, much to the chagrin of the larger scale teams, though when they sold like ice creams in a Californian July, not the accountants  ;D And to a lesser extent, they also put together some nice ships for BFG, especially the rather confused Tau ( or T'au if you prefer :P) ships. There were at least two different ideas going for Tau ship styles, and that was partly due to FW deciding on one pattern and the main design teams looking at a more coherent high-tech almost Manga style.  Of course that all went with the FW Purge in the early 2000s.

 But people often forget; the first ships for BFG weren't really GW; The initial ships were taken from the QT Models Starforce range, and even in the times when GW produced their own designs, the ships like the Castellan, the smaller Eldar ships, and the troopship and Goliath factory ship were from QT ( Which was enfolded into the Citadel Miniatures line ).

 And I have to agree - BFG was supported MASSIVELY by GW when they still had a gamer presence in the boardroom at the company, mainly because that was a cool game to play. Well, nowadays.....OK, there was a TV show on the BBC called "Working Lunch" where a group of the board members of a company would literally sit down with the compere of the show and they would talk about the company in question, combined with footage of the "shop floor" or the operations of the company. The episode with GW went a bit off the rails when the presenter asked if they could bring in a designer or sculptor to talk to . . . And to a roomful of shocked faces, one of whom said " But what about the smell?"
 You wish I was joking.
 I am not.
 The Beeb being a bit reticent about sharing stuff, I can't show you footage, but it happened.
 You wonder why a supremely favored game, with lots of fans even today and still being played, isn't supported by that sort of management?

 The idea of a reboot . . . Not impossible even with my last comment above. I would not like to see a scale change in the upward direction: Despite the idea shared by sooo many companies that "Bigger models, more detail, more painters buying them" they are already at what is known as "Spectacle Scale" among the gamers who hang around at Starship Combat News ( Yes, even today) or on the starship FB pages. . . . And most starship players collect fleets, not rules, so aim for compatible scales. The only other rules that use ships that large by default was and is (?) Firestorm Armada. Moving down a scale might be worthwhile, for once. As to plastics, well, many BFG ships originally had plastic components certainly in the final edition, and as has been said in the Starter set; That would also be welcome and honestly natural given how the ships had so many variants in weapon and design changes.

 Also , great to hear that a fan-supported new rules system is around. Like NetEpic , some of these communities are incredibly supportive and have some truly great ideas for the games they love.

 And finally, really positive news about the USS Texas.  Another great podcast, Guys!


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Re: MBS Podcast Episode 56
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2021, 04:18:10 pm »
Listerning as well, i play alot of stellaris and there are videos on youtube that could help you mmm. ^^
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- Directorate
- Hawker industries, Ryushi & Terquai
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- Syndicate

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- Covenant & Unsc

Easy E

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Re: MBS Podcast Episode 56
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2021, 04:16:21 pm »
Aeronautica Imperialis (first edition) from Forgeworld rules. 

It was written by Warwick Kinrade, who also has written Battlegroup, Soldiers of God and Soldiers of Rome.  He is a pretty awesome game designer and I look up to him a lot.  He has written a lot of good stuff. 

That said, I think he wrote a ton in the Imperial Armor series, such as the T'au stuff for BFG IIRC. 

Another BL book was called Relentless (IIRC) I think?  It was all set in the bowels of an Imperial Navy warship. 

« Last Edit: October 06, 2021, 04:26:16 pm by Easy E »
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Re: MBS Podcast Episode 56
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2021, 12:07:57 pm »
Thanks for all the kind words, guys! Had a lot of un with this episode, to be honest. I'm planning on running a demo of BFG for a friend of mine here in the area in the near future. He's a 30k player, and there might be an opening there to get him into Battlefleet Heresy lol. To be honest, I've mostly ignored 30k so far, but if it means I'll get to play BFG regularly again I might end up jumping into it over this lol.


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Re: MBS Podcast Episode 56
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2021, 11:08:03 pm »
I think that if Battlefleet Gothic does return, the scale of the miniatures will be changed enough to be noticeable just as Adeptus Titanicus was scaled up from Epic, but the setting should definitely be moved to 30K.  The Crusade and Heresy eras were defined by fleet movements orders of magnitude larger than anything up until the Black Crusades, and the only factions that would not be present would be the Tau and Tyranids.  Moving the timeline back would also allow GW to have smaller theme forces to release around the different Astartes legions, Ork empires, Eldar craftworlds, etc... in the same way they are packaging Age of Sigmar.

The setting shift in SW Armada and SW Legion to the Clone Wars was the best thing that could have happened for either game as that period was defined by large scale actions across the galaxy, not the skirmishes of the Galactic Civil War, and moving BFG to 30K from the Gothic War would similarly expand its scope.
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