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Messages - MadDrB

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Historical Naval Games / Re: Sails of Glory
« on: July 24, 2014, 07:08:12 pm »
I got into this, and it's a great game for simulating combat among half a dozen frigates, but more than 6 ships and it drags out.  I would like to run it at one of the teen gaming events at the library, but those kids barely have the attention span to play through a game of Shadows Over Camelot.

I've tried to get some of the local X-Wing players to try it, but X-Wing is such a relatively simple and fast-playing system, it's hard to pull those guys away to something else.

I think it would be awesome if kids were collecting historical naval ships the way they do with those magic cards or fantasy figures.  Can you imagine a kid saying, "I have the USS Constitution," and rattling off a series of stats detailing tonnage, draft, beam, and crew complement, among other things?

I learned an important lesson about historical gaming when I was in 3rd grade--I started a Civil War company which drilled at recess at school, and we marched around the soccer field with sticks as muskets.  It didn't last long, especially after one kid threw away his stick in frustration, saying, "All we ever do is march and practice musket loading drills.  I want to run around and hide behind bushes with a machine gun and hand grenades!"

Same thing applies to movies.  Everyone seems excited about a new Star Wars movie coming out, but I'm still asking, "When is the sequel to Master & Commander going to be produced?"

DWVA / Re: Historicon? Can we do a DW tourney there?
« on: July 21, 2014, 09:53:44 am »
There was some DW gaming at Historicon.  I witnessed a big game on Friday morning--Shades actually participated, and it was his first chance using the 2.0 rules.

It was a team effort to land on an Antarctic ice shelf and assault a Covenant base, but the "team" got tied up in taking out each other's air support.

Still, it was cool to see half a dozen players around a game of DW at Historicon on Friday morning.

DWVA / Re: Historicon? Can we do a DW tourney there?
« on: July 18, 2014, 09:03:03 am »
I need to work Saturday afternoon, so I can't commit to a game, sorry.

DWVA / Re: Historicon? Can we do a DW tourney there?
« on: July 16, 2014, 07:37:58 am »
Turns out I need to work Saturday afternoon, putting a hole in the middle of my plans for Historicon.  But I'll spend the lion's share of my weekend around the event.

DWVA / Re: Historicon? Can we do a DW tourney there?
« on: July 11, 2014, 09:02:21 am »
They set up a new system to schedule games this year, I believe, and it may have some kinks to work out.

Try not to worry--we'll find some tables to play games.  There have always been tables available in previous events, it's just a matter of finding out where.  It does get packed Friday and Saturday evening, but in past years I've always noticed vacant tables in those evenings.

I actually like the idea of a "flash" DW event at Historicon.  I'm thinking I could collect a list of phone numbers for players already planning to be at the event, and we could send out a text message with the place and time, etc.

What times should we shoot for?  I'm not planning to play much this year--mostly planning just to experience the overall event and take pictures.

DWVA / Historicon Event Planning
« on: July 04, 2014, 11:04:29 am »
So, CDR-G has reserved some times and tables at Historicon coming up in 2 weekends.  What next?

1. We need a basic set of guidelines for the event.  What's the MFV, any special rules, etc?
2. We should post the event on the SG Community calendar.  A lot more DW players see events on that forum than on ManBattlestations (at least for now), and some of those may be coming out to VA to attend Historicon.  We can also get the word out to other players in the region--I have an unofficial mailing list, but we can also email members of MBS as well.
3. Designate tasks needed to make this happen.  Who can act as TO?  Who can bring terrain?  Who can act as ringer and sit out in case there is an even number of players turning up for the event.

DWVA / Re: Historicon? Can we do a DW tourney there?
« on: July 04, 2014, 10:43:47 am »
Historicon is a great miniatures gaming event.  Yes, it emphasizes historical miniature wargames, but there are plenty of sci-fi, fantasy, and other miniature games represented.  Last year there was a great big game featuring pirate ships.

Lots of naval games, in fact proportionally more than what I would expect from historical gamers.  The Napoleonics crowd is represented, along with the WWII Flames of War guys, but I've gone the past 2 years and was pleasantly surprised how many age-of-sail, ironclads, and dreadnought era naval games were set up and played.  And there were alternative steampunk games as well.

What can I do to help?

I'm ready to begin a narrative campaign.  Are the guidelines ready to be posted?

DWVA / Re: 29 June Event Report
« on: July 02, 2014, 09:14:14 pm »
Posted some of my pics and brief report on my gaming blog:

News and Rumors / Re: DW Chinese Federation Dragon Dreadnaught
« on: July 02, 2014, 05:58:36 pm »
I don't see why we don't just use some KoB models to represent the Chileans.  It was not uncommon for countries to purchase warships built in the famous British shipyards, like the first pre-dreadnought ships in the Japanese navy.  And that would also provide the opportunity to have some KoB ship models on the Imperial Bond side of things.  Until Spartan Games releases some South American designs, I'm going to incorporate some KoB ships into my Blazing Sun/Chinese/Chilean allied fleet.

News and Rumors / Re: DW Chinese Federation Dragon Dreadnaught
« on: July 02, 2014, 04:04:09 pm »
I don't think you can run Chinese and FSA together--FSA is Grand Coalition, and the Chinese are Imperial Bond.

It's not easy to wrap my armchair historian's mind around this one, especially since the Chinese and Japanese went to war in our version of the late 19th century.

An alliance between the two major Asian nations seems to limit the possibilities for gaming battles in the region.  Sure, you can have the Russians fighting the Chinese over Mongolia, maybe... the Russo-Sino War?

Well, I guess I have every excuse to acquire a flying robot dragon to add to my Imperial Japanese forces!

I also just realized the Free Chilean Republic is also a close ally of the Blazing Sun!  My memories of reading about the eventual capture of the Huascar by the Chileans are stoked at the thought of putting together a Chilean navy for DW.

DWVA / Re: 29 June Event Report
« on: July 01, 2014, 07:22:30 pm »
I think I found a better reference sheet from the guys over on the Element 270 site.  These guys are in Australia, but they have been extremely active, especially with their new podcast devoted to all things Dystopian Wars, including some interviews with Neil and others from the Spartan Games team.

Check out their downloads page:

Particularly the reference sheets:

I finally pulled the trigger and ordered the new 2-player box from my FLGS in Culpeper.  I'm going to set up some demo games, see if I can recruit some new players.  I've been distracted by some other games lately, but DW is still my favorite miniatures tabletop game, and it still seems to be played.

I really want to organize a charity event in the fall--something along the lines of Foodmachine.  Bring some canned food, cash in for some re-rolls, play some games and help a non-profit cause?

News and Rumors / Re: DW Chinese Federation Dragon Dreadnaught
« on: June 28, 2014, 11:11:15 pm »
So, Landlubber, are you adding Chinese models as allies to your FSA fleet?  Is it possible you could put together an "all-robot" force?  I can nearly imagine that flying Chinese dragon charging into battle flanked by dozens of John Henry machines.  :)

DeepWars / Re: Deep Wars Game Report: Salvage Mission
« on: June 28, 2014, 10:42:50 pm »
I looked more closely at the pictures and realized some old slide projector cartridges have been re-purposed for underwater structures!

The acrylic supports for actually elevating figures to a higher depth look great.

I played a demo game of this more than a year ago, but just the idea of using aquarium terrain pieces and plastic sharks from the toy aisle has pushed me over the edge into ordering some models.

The Great War / Re: Fatal Choices Kickstarter
« on: June 28, 2014, 01:15:23 pm »
Cool!  Those incidents were among my favorite sections of Robert K. Massie's Castles of Steel.

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