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Messages - Kelly

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Some more information on Armada on the Virtual Open Day from Mantic was released this morning, and is viewable at the Youtube video below...

The Armada content begins roughly at 5:15:00, with updates on shipping delays first, XL ship previews at 5:35:00, and concept art for upcoming factions at 5:45:00.  Best news out of the show was that the long-range plan for Armada is new releases on a bi-monthly schedule, Dwarves in January, Empire of Dust in March, etc...

News and Rumors / FFG Star Wars updates
« on: November 16, 2020, 09:24:49 pm »
I just saw a press release regarding SW Armada, SW Legion, and X-Wing all being moved from Fantasy Flight over to Atomic Mass, another subsidiary studio of Asmodee.

Atomic Mass Games was founded a little over a year ago by designers leaving Privateer Press (Warmachine) and their first product is Marvel Crisis Protocol, a skirmish game set in the Marvel Universe.  I don't know how the new management of the Star Wars lines will unfold as far as established rules or organized play go, but Atomic Mass has had a steady release schedule of new models since their founding, and has had their base ruleset downloadable from the start, which should both be positives.

Also, the majority of their current product line is unpainted / unassembled resin pieces that falls right in line with the production of SW Legion so I am hoping there may be a chance for more SW Armada expansions if they are not restricted to prepaints only.

The Showcase / Re: Forward Air and Naval Base
« on: November 08, 2020, 11:34:17 pm »
Great weathering on the buildings!  I am not familiar with the rules of War at Sea though, are the sizes of the base footprints defined, and are these part of a force or meant to be used as objectives?

Space Naval Games / Re: Star Wars Armada - Clone Wars
« on: November 04, 2020, 01:23:43 am »
The Clone Wars period is 100% more suitable for large scale engagements than the Galactic Civil War for both fleet and ground elements, so I am glad to see that Fantasy Flight is finally working through the prequels, however I am not looking forward to waiting through most of 2021 to see more than 4 ships.

Star Wars is in my top three games with Armada in the title, but will need more ship expansions to move to the top of the list.

New updates to the Mantic blog on Armada were posted today with official mechanics videos linked to the page below…

Their staff also started out on builds / conversions of the first two starter fleets available on the blog that I hope will continue past the release and on through the next two faction fleets.  They are all approaching the bases with different methods of building out the water and waves from storm-tossed… placid...

The Showcase / Re: USS Indianapolis, 1/1800 scale, 1944 Camo
« on: October 31, 2020, 02:42:11 pm »
Great job on the camouflage painting!  The crispness of the lines is very impressive at such a small scale.

A new set of updates on the mechanics of Kings of War: Armada have been posted on the Mantic blog over the past week, highlighting the differences from Black Seas on initiative, movement, and shooting so far.

General Discussion / Re: 3d Printing
« on: October 16, 2020, 09:05:11 pm »
I also have an Anycubic Photon S with the dual z-axis rails, and it is a great value for printing small scale models.  There is a steep learning curve when it comes to the orientation of the model on the build plate and the placement of supports, but the level of detail you can achieve with resin printing is worth it.

With intelligence, anyone can operate a 3D printer,
With knowledge, one can determine the best subjects for 3D printing,
But with wisdom, you can convince a friend to purchase a 3D printer and operate it on your behalf

--attributed to Socrates

I just heard an interview with Matt Gilbert from Mantic, and it sounds like the plans are for the majority of the factions within Kings of War to receive fleets in Armada so I couldn't be happier!

Neat! Do you have a link to the interview? I'm also rather unfamiliar with the Kings of War setting, so I'm curious as to what the major factions are.

The interview was on Counter Charge episode #454 posted on 9-17-2020; I usually use iTunes, but their podcast is hosted on for direct downloading.

Early next year, their Dwarf and Empire of Dust (Egyptian / WH Tomb Kings equivalent) are planned for release, but I am most looking forward to what would come out for Trident Realms (undersea races), or Northern Alliance (exiled mercenaries / ice based).

I just heard an interview with Matt Gilbert from Mantic, and it sounds like the plans are for the majority of the factions within Kings of War to receive fleets in Armada so I couldn't be happier!

Roll Call / Re: Hi everyone!
« on: February 20, 2019, 10:43:43 pm »
Welcome aboard Kelly, glad you're enjoying the podcast. Whereabouts do you live? We have MBS members scattered around the U.S. and even in a few other countries...feel free to use the forum to schedule games, etc.

Do you collect/paint anything naval besides Firestorm Armada and Halo Fleet Battles?

I live in South Carolina, and the only other class A system I have started through is Battletech.  Not a true naval game, but it does share a lot of similarities with the genre; possibly naval-adjacent?

General Discussion / Re: MBS Monthly Poll #33: Halo Fleet Battles
« on: February 20, 2019, 09:17:16 am »
The design and production quality of the Halo ships Spartan put out are excellent, and I am glad I was able to pick up as many as I did even though I've never played the actual game.

Roll Call / Hi everyone!
« on: February 18, 2019, 10:45:38 pm »
I have been listening to the podcast since 2016, and thought it was time to join the forum for any small contribution I could make.

Collecting, converting, and painting is my main focus as my current schedule does not allow much time for actually playing.  I am working my way through everything I frantically bought for Halo Fleet Battles and Firestorm Armada in the days after Spartan sailed to the west...

Thank you to all, and looking forward to a great new year of naval gaming!


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