Man Battlestations Forum

MBS Campaigns => MBS 2016 BFG Campaign => Archived Campaigns => Public Rolls => Topic started by: Ruckdog on May 11, 2016, 04:49:09 pm

Post by: Ruckdog on May 11, 2016, 04:49:09 pm
To use the dice roller app, type the following syntax into your post, replacing the () with []:


In this example, you would roll 1d6. The first number is the amount of dice being rolled, the second number is the sides of the dice. So, for example, 5d6 would roll 5 six-sided dice, while 3d20 is three 20-sided dice, etc. You can also get the syntax inserted into your

You can use the dice roller app in any post on the forums. However, editing posts causes the rolled result to change, so for this subforum I've removed the ability for members to edit their posts, to prevent that from happening. In other subforums, you can edit your posts as normal. Feel free to test out the dice roller in this thread to get the hang of it!