Modeling > The Shipyard

A Fellow Gamer's Ship


Easy E:
A local friend of mine did a quick paint job on this Brigade Models ship that they ordered from Scale Creep miniatures in the US for Castles in the Sky....

This was painted up by Marc Harrison- The Painted Dwarf in NW Wyoming.

Easy E:
Here is a very different take on an American battleship, also by Marc from the Painted Dwarf.  This one is suppose to look more like the famous American Great White Fleet. 

Pretty sure this is a Brigade Models sculpt, the old American range.  It represents a battleship in this game, and you can see a Destroyer to the left, and a cruiser to the right.   

Easy E:
I have a Book Launch and Demo for Castles in the Sky coming up on July 23rd at Gestalt Studios in Powell Wyoming. 

Marc of The Painted Dwarf is bringing two fleets for the demo, and I am brining two fleets as well.  Here is the American Fleet that The Painted Dwarf, Marc Harrison painted up for the event:

Then, we had a British fleet painted by Lone Wolf Painting out of Rexburg Idaho paint the following fleet.....

I look forward to getting some of these great fleets on the table on the 23rd! 

Easy E:
Here are some more ship photos from fleets other than mine.....





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