Other Naval Games > Battlestar Galactica - Starship Battles

Battlestar Galactica - Starship Battles rulebook now available

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Ares Games has just released the rulebook for their upcoming BSG-themed game. The rules are a free download from their site.


So Say We All!

Do they make ships, or should folks still use Shapeways?

Shapeways is still an option, of course, but Ares are putting out their own BSG pre-paints:


Failing in that, there are also the BSG "inspired" models from Starfighter Shipyards:


Dang the minis look cool.

I did a quick read-through of the rules last night. The maneuver mechanics are a little hard to visualize, but they're definitely trying to capture the way the ships moved in the show (the reboot). There's also a delayed shooting mechanic that could make for some interesting tactics. I'm glad this is not just X-Wing with BSG starfighters. I think inevitably any starfighter game will be compared to X-Wing, since it's the 800-pound gorilla for that genre, but I think this will be different.

No mention in the rules of how capital ships are used. Ares Games said earlier that this game would encompass both starfighters and capital ships...remains to be seen how they are going to incorporate those.

The fighters included in the box seem to the same size as the X-Wing fighters or the Wings of Glory planes. I can't imagine how Ares can include capital ships like a Battlestar into this game without totally distorting the scale - which would be a letdown for me. I would have preferred if the fighters would have been smaller (maybe not Star Wars Aramada size, but somewhere in between) to allow for a better representation of the capital ships as well.
But then, I probably won't buy into this game. As much as I like the fluff and the neat looking models, I already have more than enough game systems that need more attention.


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