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Topics - rastamann

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Roll Call / All hail he who is Portuguese!
« on: January 08, 2022, 10:57:40 am »
Here we are - I finally got my account activated!  ;D

I'm a Portuguese gamer. My interests have been mainly in the 40k universe - small scale Epic, mostly, but also some BFG. I've been into Naval Wargaming for a bunch of years but this is a very small country with few wargamers. Currently I'm reading Fleet Tactics and Naval Operations (3rd ed.) which is awesome and this has been sparked by a recent interest in Cold War Gone Hot in the 1985 time frame.

I discovered you guys through the podcast and spent the whole summer and up until say mid october listening to every single episode :D

Cheers and have a picture of my Imperial Fists for BFG

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