Man Battlestations Forum

General => Roll Call => Topic started by: Ruckdog on April 08, 2012, 03:00:17 pm

Title: Welcome one and all!
Post by: Ruckdog on April 08, 2012, 03:00:17 pm
Hi all, my name is Andy, but I go by Ruckdog on the various forums I post on, including this one. I've been a miniatures gamer since 2007, when I started playing Battlefleet Gothic with a friend of mine in the Navy.  Now, in addition to BFG, I'm also playing Firestorm Armada, Dystopian Wars, and Axis & Allies War at Sea. I'm hoping that this forum will provide a way for all you who enjoy naval gaming as much as I do to discuss our great hobby!
Title: Re: Welcome one and all!
Post by: RandomBrit on April 09, 2012, 11:29:35 pm
Hello, my name is Nate, i have been gaming for going on 15 years now and have just recently started playing Dystopian Wars. This is my first naval game but i thoroughly enjoy it and am looking forward to venturing into other naval based games.
Title: Re: Welcome one and all!
Post by: EvisRaptor on April 11, 2012, 10:32:38 pm
Yohoho and a bottle of Scotch!!!! I be EvisRaptor on the IntarWebNets.
Title: Re: Welcome one and all!
Post by: afterimagedan on April 11, 2012, 10:37:08 pm
Dan here. I go by afterimagedan round these parts. I like BFG a lot and have a BFG blog HERE. ( That being said, I love Firestorm Armada and Full Thrust models. Can't wait to see how this forum goes!
Title: Re: Welcome one and all!
Post by: Andrewchristlieb on April 11, 2012, 11:38:58 pm
Hi I'm Andrew  ::) I've been gaming since the late 90's and I'm into most anything although my main interest lately have been modeling and painting sense I moved to Tennessee.
Title: Re: Welcome one and all!
Post by: treadhead1944 on April 12, 2012, 09:34:54 am
I am Jason, more commonly known as treadhead, treadster, tread, or hey you, yeah the bald fat one...

I have been involved in gaming since my early teens, got away from it for a while, and just got back into it, jumping into Warhammer 40k and BFG. Look forward to chatting and having fun
Title: Re: Welcome one and all!
Post by: orangetom on April 12, 2012, 11:53:40 am
Jack here, I started tabletop gaming about 4 years ago, jumped into 40K, and played that for awhile, got out when I realized I didn't have the financial ability to keep that going, me and my friends spotted Dystopian wars about a year ago, and decided to give it a try, and we haven't looked back since!
Title: Re: Welcome one and all!
Post by: Ruckdog on April 12, 2012, 02:15:33 pm
Thanks for posting guys! By the way, you guys can feel free to start a seperate thread for your introduction; you don't have to post in this one ;).
Title: Re: Welcome one and all!
Post by: McKInstry on April 14, 2012, 12:28:48 am
Bob here. Naval gamer since 1975. Very complete WW2 and WW1 fleets in 1/6000 with a developing 1/4800 set. 1/2400 ACW, Age of Steam and Age of Sail with a developing 1/3000 Age of Sail collection as well.

I also dabble in Dystopian Wars, Aeronef, have a very substantial although lately unplayed BFG collection and am currently really enjoying ACTA Star Fleet and the new Mongoose miniatures.

Rules played are GQ 1,2 & 3 although I'm open to Victory at Sea 2.0 when it comes out along with miniature adaptations of Yaquinto Ironclads and WS&IM along with a modded Trafalgar.
Title: Re: Welcome one and all!
Post by: Landlubber on April 16, 2012, 09:19:17 pm
Hi--my name is Greg, or Landlubber, or the Guy Who Rolls Dice Really Badly.  The only tabletop game I play is Dystopian Wars.  I run an FSA fleet, but will probably be branching out soon to a few others.  I'm a modeler first--I like military sci fi, so I've built alot of 40K models--only been playing DW for about a year.  Don't have much time for other games, between the Xbox and crashing R/C aircraft on the weekends.

Glad to meet everybody.
Title: Re: Welcome one and all!
Post by: lemon4384 on April 21, 2012, 10:50:08 pm
HAY ITS DYLAN FROM VA, finnaly found this thing andy, and i run an FSA armada just got my missing friggs, and some gunships.
just started table top gamin', i enjoy it, and currenly trying to paint my dystopian fleet
Title: Re: Welcome one and all!
Post by: Ruckdog on April 23, 2012, 04:24:03 pm
Glad to have you aboard, Dylan! If you have any questions about painting your fleet, be sure to ask in the modeling section!