Adepticon 2017 Days 3 & 4

Adepticon 2017 Days 3 & 4

Hello once again! I’m back with my somewhat delayed recap of days 3 and 4 of Adepticon 2017.


Schaumburg Prime Offensive FSA Tournament

As with the DW tournament from Day 1, I’m not going to dwell too long on this event here as I plan on doing a separate, more detailed write up in its own post. Suffice to say, there was a good turn-out (14 players on 7 tables) and I had three awesome games!


My Terrans take the field in Round 1

Planetfall Display Board

This awesome 4’x8′ Planetfall display board was set up in the Spartan gaming area of the gaming hall. I was rather startled to discover that I failed to take any shots of the overall board, but these closeups should tell you all you need to know about how awesome it was!

IMG_3139IMG_3138IMG_3137IMG_3136Halo Ground Command

There were also plenty of Ground Command demos set up and running over the course of the weekend:



Day 4: FSA Tournament Round 2

Suffice to say, I did not make it into the top 8 players and continue on to the second day of the FSA tournament. However, when I stopped by, it looked like a lot of tense, high-level play was going on, and the word from Josh is that it was a down to the wire finish!


And there you  have it! My apologies for the delay with getting this post up, and for the lack of pictures from Day 4; towards the end of Saturday, I started to come down with a really bad cold that basically  knocked me out all day on Sunday, to the point where I decided to skip my BFG tournament. Maybe next year! In the meantime, I will be putting up detailed reports on the FSA and DW tournaments I did play in, so stay tuned!

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